
1 minute read time.

Ok, so today, for the first time in two weeks, I ... Went Out On My Own. I drove to my little village to get birthday cards etc for the Free Range Teens, oh, and their pressies from Deri, and some fatballs for the birds, and a shiny for me yay! I bought a more substantial clasp for my trollbead bracelet, as I AM intending on it filling up ;)
It was quite exciting, in a sad way haha, to be driving and out on my own!!
I did bump into someone I haven't seen for a few months... he did a double take at my wrapped bald head, tilted his own, and said "Oh, I guess things haven't been too good recently" Oh boy, there are SO many ways of NOT saying, do you have cancer! Aw, he was being concerned, and wished me well, and the poor boy was left looking rather shocked as I walked off.

Had a visit from auntie C this afternoon, and she brought foody treats nomnom! Lovely to see her and J, and then I did some more internet shopping but this time for food!

Tonight - well, I cooked pasta for Deri, sent Bron off to youth club (yes, I KNOW they go round town really!) and now Deri is a-snoozing, I am doing nothing exceot watch crap tv, lurk on the laptop, and eat G&B choklit :))

Spoons and love and cwtchs to everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, talking about fatballs when I think what my treatment has done to shrink mine is not friendly!

    Ah, I remember a bowls match just after I had started treatment when I was acting captain. The opposing captain was an old "Friend" of mine and he didn't say anything about cancer until the end of the match, when he said as he backed away from me "Um sorry about the er you know. I hope it goes well for you" and disappeared out of the door before I could buy him a drink. Well saved me some money.

    Stinker, Odin does not wear bracelets or cardigans! Thought I ought to remind people of that last point. If Odin wore a troll bracelet, it would have real trolls on it, not those silver imitations.

    Ah Ems, the head tilty bit now!

     You're a mum and of course you worry about Deri and the other girls. I still worry about my son and he's 46 and I'm only a Dad. It must be so difficult for you when you're feeling like shit and you have to comfort Deri.

    Your girls are lucky to have a mum like you who takes the time to make sure they understand, but are not frightened by what is happening. Where could they find a better or more sympathetic counsellor?

    Oh I suppose I'd better finish off with "Oh you're so brave!" tilt tilt tilt

    Stor kram and best welsh cwtches to all,

    Odin xxxxx