4th YAWN day was thus spent...

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Yes, you guessed, 4th day was mostly spent yawning or sleeping! Good job they give you these big beds with moveable parts to lie on eh? :-) All blood and urine tests are happy ones apparently which is good. Finally had the Dissappointing Meal last night - yuk!! Pasta Bolognese - how can you mess that up?? Ah well. I had pineapple slices and choklit to make up for it! A lovely visit from my gorgeous Deri! And now am waiting for breakkie and 11am when last drip is disconnected and they get me my take-home meds and sign me out!! Eeeeek! Heh heh xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Ooooooh just saying.... how come I never run into anyone interesting in Penzance?

    Probably cos I've never been there....

    I've been to Doncaster.

    Just saying.


    Ems, was it mission impossible? Hilary had better not go back in cos she will get the baton passed on.... I suspect she would do it though....


  • FormerMember
    *waves at Jan* hi Jan!! Yeh pissflaps to cancer!! TOM WAITS?! One of my most favourite singers and of whom I have many many albums?? Oh now I'm Very Happy! Just munching on a korma whilst waiting for a line flush :-) Xxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    If I fail there's always YOUR visit during reversal though LM heh heh heh! The baton shall not be dropped!! Mmmmmmm. Tom Waits............ Xxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Errrr ooooops. Do I really want that reversal? Oh dear, I am in trouble... ahem... 

    hurry on home.

    Has the korma got better? It was too vile for words when i was there... green mush cat food with weird rice. xxx

  • FormerMember
    Heehee! Actually the rice is normal and the korma has real bits of chicken in it! Tapping foot impatiently now as the saline flush drips it's way through..... Xxxxxxxx