4th YAWN day was thus spent...

Less than one minute read time.
Yes, you guessed, 4th day was mostly spent yawning or sleeping! Good job they give you these big beds with moveable parts to lie on eh? :-) All blood and urine tests are happy ones apparently which is good. Finally had the Dissappointing Meal last night - yuk!! Pasta Bolognese - how can you mess that up?? Ah well. I had pineapple slices and choklit to make up for it! A lovely visit from my gorgeous Deri! And now am waiting for breakkie and 11am when last drip is disconnected and they get me my take-home meds and sign me out!! Eeeeek! Heh heh xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    I have a bag to shovel all that shit into if you want.. well, what are friends for?

    Moi? A bad influence...? surely not...

    Go on, Hilary, you know you have songs a plenty.. I would be cock a hoop if you could think of a new one. All this talk of cats, might be a  song about pussies?

    Is there a song called 'When will I grow up?'

    Oh and ems if you get the trolley round before you go, can you ask the nice hot milky lady if I can have a wanker cup of coffee please? Ta.


  • FormerMember

    I can offer you Tom Waits I Don't Wanna Grow Up, but I think Tom Waits might be a bit of a shock to your system.

    All I can think of is "Oh lovely pussy, oh pussy my love, what a beautiful pussy you are."


  • FormerMember

    Good morning nearly afternoon you loonies.  Hurray Ems, you'll be on you way home now prob, yippeee.  And brill that it's all gone to plan. Pissflaps to cancer hehe.

    Enjoy Torquay Colin, may I have a canyfloss?  Hils and LM, mad as ever, what's all this pussy talk!!

    Take care all

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I find I can only sing Tom Waits after an op when your throat is sore from the tube thing...  unless you are a man. which I wasn't last I  looked. Thought to be fair, these days I am not much of a woman either... and I think i could give FC a run for his money on the moustache front...

    Jan, there are new kittens next door to me.. .. 2 of them! Pussies galore! Me and Hils are mad cat ladies who love pussies. She is a bit more pussy mad than me I think...but its close!  You like ridgebacks I guess... ?

    ARE YOU HOME YET EMS?????? xxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    I forgot the Ramones covered it:


    But I do prefer Crazy Unca Tom, plus this video is a work of genius:


    One of the most surreal moments of my life was coming face to face with Johnny Ramone in the middle of Market Jew Street in Penzance. Just saying.

    Quick, Ems, come home! It's the only way you'll shut us up!
