4th YAWN day was thus spent...

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Yes, you guessed, 4th day was mostly spent yawning or sleeping! Good job they give you these big beds with moveable parts to lie on eh? :-) All blood and urine tests are happy ones apparently which is good. Finally had the Dissappointing Meal last night - yuk!! Pasta Bolognese - how can you mess that up?? Ah well. I had pineapple slices and choklit to make up for it! A lovely visit from my gorgeous Deri! And now am waiting for breakkie and 11am when last drip is disconnected and they get me my take-home meds and sign me out!! Eeeeek! Heh heh xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember


    Who cares about food when you get a visit from a seven year old Deri!


    Colin xxx

    PS I'm off to Torquay now Yay!


  • FormerMember

     Morning, my lovely,

    I am actually still in bed too (though I do have a bit more choice about it than you)

    Hooray for good blood results and Deri and i am amazed you only got one bad dinner... it was all vile when I was in there.. I used to take photos of it on my phone and send them to people to play guess the dinner...

    Brill that you get to go home today and I hope you have got lots of help lined up!!??!!

    You only have 3 hours to complete your final mission. I suggest you use the breakfast trolley for one opportunity tea or coffee? I'd like a..... :o)

    And mission 2: Start now.... to the plaaaaaace where I belooooong... west..... hahaha. SING LIKE A LARK I SAY, SING!!!

    Well done you for making it through the week and I reckon you may be looking forward to the next time with all that cwtchy visiting and choccies...  (and perhaps missions?)

    Enjoy your new bedroom when you get home

    bug hugs to you and as its going home day, pig nigs xxx

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember
    Colin is off to the seaside yay!!! Dip your toes whilst you're there Colin bach! Xxx. LM- Good morning from one bedloon to another! You planning a nice lie-in then?  Yes my mum is staying tonight and tomorrow and then cooking for us Sunday and then coming round 4-6 every evening next week to cook dinner! And Jo is taking me for my blood test Monday morning and other friends / family are popping in too. And I'm being picked up at 11 ish in Tuesday to go Usk House for the start of my complementary therapies! Got the nurse giggling at me warbling! I'm too tired to be a lark but they won't forget me on this ward haha! I am REALLY looking forward to being home but I won't be nervous about coming in next time... you lot helped steady my nerves then the cwtchs and love you all sent, then my gifts and generally being spoiled...hehehe! Shall start packing up in a bit ... :-)) love you ALL Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear about mums and friends and that. Much needed. You can light the woodburner and snuggle up in your new room. You may want to continue singing. I might think of a new song. Hilary does a good line in songs. I might ask her for a new one....

    Better warn them that your fellow bedloon may be coming there in the new year if she can get her balloons sorted so they may want to invest in some earplugs before then.

    Spoil, spoil, spoil all the way... love you Little My xxx

    Hilary, if you see this one mission was to sing very very loudly in the ward. Her song was Take me home country road... Now there are certain words that can be exchanged in that song if you are purile enough to try (and  I am) such as country without the r, west virginia... etc. That should give you the idea. You can play with the rest... I think Ems has succeeded in this mission and she now needs a new song. Any ideas?

    I have to report that as of 10am she has failed the final mission. She has an hour left before she goes home to pass it... she passed the 'double entendre' mission with aplomb but 'cancer tourettes' is proving more tricky. My brother set me it when I was in. I failed it too... I have to say. I have done it in shops, but being in hospital robs you of those extra dare spoons you need. Ems may just be braver than me and do it... lets see... 1 hour to go ha ha!

    Ems you are a star and I am so proud of you this week hugest Viking cwtches to you xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, you are a total star and have *headtilt* done brilliantly - and so have your friends and family. Cancer is a big, giant pile of poo, but being surrounded by people who love you and care about you does at least arm you with a figurative shovel.

    Feel free to borrow this analogy for your own future purposes. Er. Or not.

    LM, you are a shocking bad influence. But we knew that.

    *squillions of hugs* (I counted, it's definitely squillions.)
