Finding the "New Normal"

  • Define “Rock Bottom”


    Have you ever reached the point that you think you have hit rock bottom, only to find you were wrong?

    I’ve hit rock bottom before and I know what it is like.

    Right now I have not fallen that far, but I am in a place where I cannot see where I am or where I am going, if there is further to go in this particular pit. It’s not the deepest pit of despair stuff, but it sure as hell  is bad.

    I know it is…

  • Shopping


    For my 50th blog I am returning to a draft from September as it seems appropriate now there is less than 30 shopping days to Christmas.

    Shopping can be an ordeal. Can? Is!

    One Saturday was one of those days. Everything I needed wasn’t on the shelves. I only needed, among other things, two 11W bayonet fitting lightbulbs. I could find bayonet in everything other than 11W, and what little there was in 11W was anything…

  • When my dam bursts, who is there for me? (Cracks in the façade)


    This is a both a crie de coeur and I guess, a call for help, though what sort of help, I'm buggered if I know.

    Today's "Today" programme, as usual, when it gets a cancer story, bangs on about it relentlessly. Not only was it cancer, it was about NICE and its newly announced advice on smoking in hospital grounds, which of course implicitly screams "lung cancer" to anybody with an ounce of intelligence. Of course…

  • Coming out of the (TARDIS) closet


    OK, dear reader. I have hidden Who I really am from you for too long. I thought I knew Who I was. Oh yes, we all know Who we are,don’t we? Do we? Really?

    Yesterday evening, I have just been watching on my iPad mini, Laing’s last major present to me, a rather soupy programme with really dreadful (and inappropriate) music about the start of “Doctor Who” 50 years ago, which starred the wonderful William Hartnell…

  • Not quite the Hep cat I hoped to be


    Oh well, there always has to be at least one cloud for the holiday silver lining to belong to. I received a text from the clinic telling me I am not Hepatitis B immune. After all the years travelling and jabs and prods and sugar lumps (remember those for polio?), there is one nasty ailment that will still be able to do the dirty to me. So I have a series of various jabs to look forward to. Nonetheless, better be safe…