Let battle commence! My breast cancer

  • 3rd chemo coming up

    Today reading the posts on the community board, someone said how they can't take it in that they have cancer and it made me think that with everything I'm going through, I will not think of myself as a cancer patient. I don't think I have truely accepted that the lump I have is cancer, its just a thing in my body that will be gone soon. I'm coming up for my 3rd chemo and final tax before starting 3 cycles on fec and…
  • 2nd chemo over with

    Had my 2nd chemo last Thursday and all was going great. The next day I was full of energy but rested, not silly to go mad. The main problem is my stomach, I hate the steroids, I've put 10lbs on and look 9 months pregnant! This is affecting my breathing and sleeping which is beginning to get me down now (as I'm sat here writing this at 2.40am). I do wonder what awaits me next, compared to last cycle this is easier, I…
  • My hair is falling out


    Got up this morning and having a shower, while washing my hair it came out in a few handfuls. Trying to dry my hair with it falling out was losing a bit of battle but was hoping to have got to the weekend before having to shave it off.

    On the other hand, my kids are now very excited as I promised them they could shave it off. The design plans are in fall flow of what styles they are going to do lol. Was hoping to wait…

  • That will teach me!


    Having written about my journey so far, how well I thought it was going etc, it all went down hill pretty quickly after my last post.

    Wednesday morning I phoned the hospital for some advice as I had been in agony with pain in my neck, back and stomach, high temperature and sweating like a race horse. I was told to come straight in and I didn't come home until Friday night as I was diagnosed with neutropenic sepsis. My…

  • This is how it all began!


    I found a lump at the beginning of May after I had some pain on the side of my left breast. I booked to see the doctor and she referred me but was pretty sure it was just a cyst (so was I). My appointment day arrived and saw a lovely Chinese doctor who asked me what changes I had noticed. I'm 40 now so things are heading south so I tried to explain this that my right breast - being right handed - was always perkier than…