That will teach me!

1 minute read time.

Having written about my journey so far, how well I thought it was going etc, it all went down hill pretty quickly after my last post.

Wednesday morning I phoned the hospital for some advice as I had been in agony with pain in my neck, back and stomach, high temperature and sweating like a race horse. I was told to come straight in and I didn't come home until Friday night as I was diagnosed with neutropenic sepsis. My oncologist reckoned I had a classic reaction to the injections for boosting the white blood cells so know that next chemo I will have something different. 

I had an infection but they just didn't know where it stemmed from but I was on iv fluids and antibiotics and I recovered well enough to come home. Looking back now, I realise how unwell I was last week even though I thought I felt great lol. I'm taking things easy but now dreading chemo next week as not knowing what I'm going to be hit with. I thought chemo was bad enough of how it makes you feel but when the injections you are giving yourself to keep you well make you ill it's quite a hard task to handle.

As usual in my style, I went through it with laughter, smiles and bad jokes. I bumped into a friend who was admitted for something else and she was in a state over her condition and I completely understand but she was amazed by my attitude. She said "you are so calm, your not worried about anything", I said , no, can't see the point of worrying, I've got to keep calm otherwise I don't think I would have thought I was well when I was really ill. I just don't see the point of it but if this was my husband or kids then I think it would be a completely different story and I just would be no use to anyone.

So next appointment with the oncologist on Monday then dreaded cycle 2 then I can say "only 4 more to go!"
