Update Sept 14th

1 minute read time.

Ist cycle of chemo begun!

After a terrible weekend i got GP out on monday who upped Eds pain patches again and I asked if chemo was going to be worth the trauma of going  for it. He said without chemo Ed has only weeks left and it is up to Ed and the chemo unit to make that decision. Got there Tues with the help of a son and instead of chemo they gave Ed 2 units of blood. He was exhausted and hated the noise of the unit, music, chatter, machines bleeping but stayed put! Went back today, even busier and had to wait nearly 2 hours to be seen, short staffed. Explained he had had enough and wanted to go home but they gave us a liitle room with a bed, no music! and we stayed. Also he can have that room each time now, phew! he has so much pain relief that he is confused and I pray the chemo helps so we can reduce the drugs and i can have my husband back. He cant hold a conversation at the moment.

It is for these reasons, pain versus normality that i now view cancer with 2 minds. The first where determination, stubborness, positivity are so important to get the treatment and carry on living life to the full as much as possible but a second where it is time to accept living with cancer is not quality living and suffering is too big a price to pay. It is time to say goodbye. I fear i have fought for this latest chemo not thinking that even if Ed picks up a bit he is going to have to relive the last few weeks all over again. That I have been selfish wanting him to stay with me when we have already had 3 extra years and it is time to say enough is enough. I cant turn back the clock but I am thinking " what have I done?" Only seeing what happens now will answer that.....


  • Oh dear Leisha

    What a terrible thing that you’re going through, torn between treatment or acceptance. But whatever you do, you shouldn’t be feeling guilty or selfish, because you do what we all do and that is fight for everything you hold dear and love and every precious moment.  Every single time you’ve been positive, Ed has thrived, so carry on being strong for him, but be gentle on yourself.  I send you warm, healing hugs ((((((Leisha))))))

    Love Crystal xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    The time has come for you to make a decision,as

    Ed cant pass on what he wants. This is a terrible situation to be in. Do you do whats right for Ed ??

    or do you continue with the medical Treatment ??

    You also have yourself to think about and your health. All I can say is what ever decision you make will be the right one.You have got to believe

    that. You will be in my thoughts over these coming weeks. Personally speaking I hope the decision will

    be taken out of your hands and that nature takes its course. All the Best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    You sound like a lovely supportive person its hard making these decisions I'm sure you'll do what is right for Ed.  Sending you hugs.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    You've been so brave, so supportive & I'm sure you will continue to do the right thing, as only you can know & make that decision. We are seemingly heading in a similar direction here. Pablo fell & broke a rib last night & has been admitted for a pain review. He has patches of 200mcg, plus Actiq 400mcg for breakthrough pain & is still suffering, they're thinking of a morphine pump.

    Sending you love, support & positive vibes.

    Liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    love and hope to you all, xxxx