Sept 23rd

2 minute read time.

This roller coaster is a 24/ 7 ride, Like the weather - sunshine, showers and outright thunderstorms all in one day! Last Sunday I thought it couldnt get any worse. Ed just clung to my hand and it was all I could do to go to the loo. He was cold, then hot, shaking, light headed and confused - very frightened. We spent most of the day in bed and I held him, reliving so much of our life in my mind during those hours, but finding it hard to picture Eds face before he got so gaunt and strained.


Still Monday dawned and Ed more able to get up and try some toast to take the chemo tablets with. Immediate panic over once again. 3 days followed that were okish as we continued with various tablets, drinks and snacks. Friday was a repeat of sunday and today is not much better. Unable to take tablets and I have not the strength, emotionally, to insist. it is all just too painful. The GP called but said there was little that can be done other than to up the patches for pain.

How long must we suffer this? Ed fights so hard , i try to tell him to relax and not to worry about anything but then I am not the one who is having to let go of this world. We all say we would not want to be in Eds situation but when you are then it must be very different. he cant take the chemo so i guess it is a matter of time but Ed has some inner strength that wont let go. If an animal cant eat, has cancer and constantly increasing pain the vet helps them to die. There, ive said it, die, go to sleep, puts them out of their misery so why do humans have to go through this hell of a process.

Im all for living with cancer, fighting the demon, treasuring every moment. But there is a turning point for some patients where , when they are doped to endure the pain, the law needs to be changed. Yes I want my husband to live, but not to watch this destruction of a wonderful human being turning into a dependent shell of what he was. I now believe it is selfish to want more time when he is enduring this, I will be devasted without him but I want it to stop, STOP !

I will not post again till it has, Im sorry if I have upset anyone but this is the only place where I dare to say what I think. Please dont think too bad of me and I have always said how important this site and you good people are to me. xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I am overwhelmed by your support, patients and carers alike. You are all very special people and all the more so as you too understand this suffering and still take the time to post to me, I have no words good enough but you give me strength and comfort in this dark time, Hugs to you all (((((((((((((((((((((((h)))))))))))))))))))))))) love leisha xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you both with tears in my heart and eyes. No one judges you we each have to do what we feel right.

    Lots of cwtches (Welsh for big bear hugs)


  • FormerMember

    we are all thinking of you and sending you BIG BIG hugs you are indeed a very brave woman and dont you be sorry. we are all here if you want to chat..lots of love

    jane x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Leisha

    None of us could have done more than you have done, and are doing, for Ed.  

    We are all with you in spirit, sending you our strength, to add to your own.  

    Lots of love,

    Grace xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Leisha

    All I ever hope for is that the hurt will not be too unbearable for myself and my loved ones, but I guess there are no guarantees. After all we go through together it is so unfair to suffer so much when in my opinon, like yours, it should not be necessary.

    Facing the loss of a loved one, in any circumstances, it takes more than hugs and kisses to heal a broken heart, but I send mine to you Leisha in the hope that you find the strength to get on with life when the grieving passes.

    May the unbearable pain stop soon for both you and Ed.

    Love from David [[[XXX]]]