Sept 23rd

2 minute read time.

This roller coaster is a 24/ 7 ride, Like the weather - sunshine, showers and outright thunderstorms all in one day! Last Sunday I thought it couldnt get any worse. Ed just clung to my hand and it was all I could do to go to the loo. He was cold, then hot, shaking, light headed and confused - very frightened. We spent most of the day in bed and I held him, reliving so much of our life in my mind during those hours, but finding it hard to picture Eds face before he got so gaunt and strained.


Still Monday dawned and Ed more able to get up and try some toast to take the chemo tablets with. Immediate panic over once again. 3 days followed that were okish as we continued with various tablets, drinks and snacks. Friday was a repeat of sunday and today is not much better. Unable to take tablets and I have not the strength, emotionally, to insist. it is all just too painful. The GP called but said there was little that can be done other than to up the patches for pain.

How long must we suffer this? Ed fights so hard , i try to tell him to relax and not to worry about anything but then I am not the one who is having to let go of this world. We all say we would not want to be in Eds situation but when you are then it must be very different. he cant take the chemo so i guess it is a matter of time but Ed has some inner strength that wont let go. If an animal cant eat, has cancer and constantly increasing pain the vet helps them to die. There, ive said it, die, go to sleep, puts them out of their misery so why do humans have to go through this hell of a process.

Im all for living with cancer, fighting the demon, treasuring every moment. But there is a turning point for some patients where , when they are doped to endure the pain, the law needs to be changed. Yes I want my husband to live, but not to watch this destruction of a wonderful human being turning into a dependent shell of what he was. I now believe it is selfish to want more time when he is enduring this, I will be devasted without him but I want it to stop, STOP !

I will not post again till it has, Im sorry if I have upset anyone but this is the only place where I dare to say what I think. Please dont think too bad of me and I have always said how important this site and you good people are to me. xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    We do not sit in judgement on what anyone has to say on this site . Its what its for to express your feelings no matter what they are. You are only thinking of your Husband and his welfare and that is what a caring wife should do.

    So you come on to the site and express whatever opinions you have, we will listen and try to help in anyway we can.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha

    First I agree 100% with Sarsfield - never feel unable to express an opinion on here - others may hold different opinions and they too have the right to disagree with your views.

    I am so sorry for the Position you and Ed find yourselves in, something many on here will relate to. In these times no one should have to suffer that way.

    I am a Cancer Patient and I want to hang onto life for as long as I can - but I agree, what I do not want is to inflict pain on my loved ones when all hope is gone.

    I am not trying to hold out false hope for you but Ed did improve after last Sunday and may well improve again and get back to his treatment - he really does sound he is fighting so hard and as you say he does have a special inner strength.

    I know you want the best possibe outcome for Ed and whatever that is I hope things resolve themselves soon and end you misery.

    I know a lot of people on here will be with you both on this journey - your story really does ask very basic but profound questions

    Hugs Mate

    John xx

  • FormerMember


    You are not alone in wanting your husband's suffering to stop.

    Little by little over the past two years, I have watched my tall handsome husband become a shadow of his former self.  He has lost weight and his face is now gaunt, and his once shinng eyes are sad and dimmed.

    He has survived this long, and suffered so many set backs on the jouney, but always he has somehow bounced back.  But, each time it becomes a little harder, and the recovery is not so complete.  how long I wonder will his strength last?

    My one hope is that he should not suffer.

  • just 2 important words or 3 depending

    "quality of life"

    that is what is important and I say that as a patient

    and like the others this is not the first time this has arisen and won't be the last but you must be able to express your feelings, thats one reason the sites here.

    thinking of you both


  • FormerMember

    hey leisha, i will never forget that suffering and pain i watc hed with ju, it will never ever leave me , eventually i had to beg the macmillan consultant to do something which he came out to us at home and he did ,i wont go into details obviously ,but please pm me if i can help ,

    huni im feeling every bit of both your pain and sending you every little bit of strength i have , and love and hugs ,always here jenni xxxx