July 31st

1 minute read time.

I dread weekends but at least the sun is shining outside and I think we will get through this one ok, fingers crossed. Macmillan nurse came yesterday and i made sure she understood Ed was not taking painkillers properly. he hasnt forgiven me yet! Still she got GP to write up prescription for slow release Oxy- Contin which he only has to take 9am and 9pm, also liquid version that gives immediate relief if needed. That is muchh better for him and he managed a bit of fish last night. Also the app for scan came through for thursday next week but I have been up to hospital and have to phone Monday morning to see if there is a cancellation that Ed can use so we get results same week. That would help sort out some treatment more quickly, if there is any!

I feel very strange , outside looking in sort of stuff, just dont know what will happen next. This morning he woke in a pool of sweat but his temperature is ok now, he must have nightmares too but wont share them, he is so brave, his bones stick out everywhere I dont know where he finds his strength physically or mentally.  I have good support from family but it is my friends on here that keep me going because they really do understand the stress of waiting and watching, dread and helplessness when their loved one is terminal. I try not to post on the main site as i dont want to upset newcomers who need every ounce of positivety to fight their own battles. I pray Ed can enjoy the wedding and even get to spain again.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    You both are going through a rough time just now.

    Time if you can to have some me time,just to ease the stress for a while.

    Hope Eds Scan for next Thurs Goes well and you get the results back Quickly. All the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you take care big hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you.

    XX Mollycat.

  • FormerMember

    Big thanks for your concern and encouragement, I feel humble as I read your own stories, such bravery and determination. I hope you have a great hol mollycat, you will both have earned it!

    I hope you are ok Lyndylou, and your memories bring you comfort.

    Sarsfield you are an inspiration and must be so patient to remain so optomistic and caring of others in the face of your own battle, I am amazed. Thankyou.

    I went for a bracing walk on the beach and watched the kite surfers, a lovely sight. I am determined to do the race for life next year in honour of everyone on this site. I may be large and old )ish) but if you and Ed can do what you do then I need a challenge to help this fight against cancer that interrupts so many lives. God Bless, xx

  • FormerMember

    sarsfields right.

    you must make some time to relax yourself though i know that cant be easy..

    but you also need to keep strong and you need to look after yourself also...

    iv allways said it can be harder for carers then it is for us patients at times....

    all i can add is i hope everything will allways go as good as possible..

    hugs  x