leggy Griffs blog

  • Eating


    Not bad few days managing to eat a bit.Managed a large dressed crab with buttered cob and thats remarkable for me.Weight remaing stable as lost nearly 4 stone since op! Nutrition making brain feel better.11 stone now and not lost any last few days.Still can get very tired though.Al in all good news



    Suffering cramps again but thankfully everything else ok so cant be that bad.Managing to eat a bit.Not much but an improvement.Will be glad to get back to work but think a couple of months yesterday.Got lots of jobs to do though and weekend will be putting plants in the garden just have to pace myself!!! Thinking of all on site, stay strong positive as know how tough this bloody disease is x 

  • I"m BACK!!!!!!


    Phew glad to be back.Rough time with post op chemo with it having to stop it.Appetite still bad and suffering stomach cramps and the likes but slight improvement with general well being so must be going right way.

  • Great day yesterday.Bit painful today


     Went to a car boot again yesterday.It was a large one ,took 3 hours to walk round! Certainly exhausted at end!!!! Cool sharp wind spoiled it a little but enjoyed it with Leanne Joe and Jack we all got some bargains and I got jumper for £1 (have been downsizing clothes as now down to medium! and waist from 36 to 32 so replaced jeans at Asda the other day.Leanne got never worn sheepskin coat for fiver!!!!! Boys back to…

  • Good day


    Up early 3 am with pain so decided ibuprufen. It seemed to help so carried on with those today.Went to a car boot and when home did few jobs.Will I be paying price tomorrow? All in all great day.