leggy Griffs blog

  • Doctors today


    Been to Doctors and been presribed Creon for the severe cramps as advised from many on this site and speaking to my specialist nurse.So will see how it goes.Got return to work today too on the 8th August!.Had another fry up this morning! and having pasta for lunch.Managed in 3 weeks to put on nearly 7 pounds.Feeling good today but bit tired.

  • Sunday morning up with the lark!


    Sometimes dont sleep so get up early(really early 1am) dont let it bother me as watch tv and had a sausage sarney at 3.30 am!!!!!!! .Went to car boot and home just before the rain.Going to tidy up loft in a mo.Monday morning going to docs and asking about the drug creon as cramps getting to me! Since losing so much weight blood pressure has dropped hence docs as was on medication before op etc so may not need to be on…

  • Still improving


    Things are still improving.Can do more jobs now like managing garden,helping with the household,painting jobs.Have problems with bowels every week but getting use to it.Starting to put a couple of pounds on at last.Still a long way to go though but alive and breathing so thats great.

  • Enjoying the weather


    Improvements still happening.Doing jobs eating better,feeling ok,driving the car etc.Got appoi ntment through to see surgeon to see how i"m doing but certainly not gonna worry about that! So pleased for my wife Leanne and my boys Joe and Jack that they can see me improving (am actually moaning a bit to them, its hilarious as they dont take any notice of me) !!!!!! Eh even managed to sleep on my side as well which is good…



    Today have felt the best I have done since op.Been able to function quite well and had porridge for brekky,cheese toastie(half) and chicken salad for tea.Doesnt sound much but for me its loads.So feel I must be improving.Will be glad when eating is normal and yes do know will have to eat small portions.Before treatment I loved my food and ate loads!!!!Feeling better In the kitchen and will commence cooking again soon…