What is wrong with some people part 2

1 minute read time.

Just to let you know the results of my moaning on the last blog I did!!!!

After fighting five damn cancers and getting my poor ole tattooed butt back to my beloved job ( Female bouncer in a nightclub for those who don't know) my male colleagues who were  my mates before my illness in March 08, have turned into over sized old women and covered in chicken feathers!!!!! It as finally come to a head after four of us got hurt in a fight (I got punched in the face and head, fortunately for the guy who hit me, it wasn't my stoma bag!!!!!) Well some of the door crew didn't do their job and one refused too, hence four hurt. I went to my bosses and said that if this wasn't sorted, then I would have to leave, my health is more important than my job, even though I love being there.  After being confronted by one of the bosses, one doorman threw a hissy fit, left the meeting and said he was resigning , he was told to leave there and then.

Doing my job can be hard enough at times and it requires team work, maybe now my team will pull their fingers out and do the job that they are paid for, blimey if I can have half my insides removed and have ten chemos and be a 50 year old granny to 7 and still do my job, then so can they.....love Carol

Ps The Kezzerbird and Adam and Kai my grandsons all on my motor bike



  • FormerMember

    Hello gorgeous

    Although I am horrified that it had to come to that for the problem to be sorted I am so glad that you now (hopefully) have a team with you (ain't going to say behind you, because personally I would prefer them to surround you totally so that you don't get near so much as broken a nail!)

    Good riddance to the woossie - but please watch yourself.  No more punches in the face please - enough has been inflicted on your body (and I am thinking about that tattoo, yes!) over the last few years, let it have a wee rest.

    Loads of love Judi xx

    Sorry I missed you the other day - hound walking!

  • FormerMember

    i.m really sorry to hear you got hurt - hope you are ok?

    so the guy that walked out ...is he the one that didnt get involved? ..hope so - for your sake

    love your fotos - gorgeous kids with their gorgeous granny ;)


  • FormerMember

    Carol are those Yellow Bastards at it again. If I was you,I would put Monty in a bag,and the first one to not back you up I would get a couple of my mates hold him down thats if he hasnt done a runner.and slip Monty down his trousers. and then he will have something to scream about.

    The only problem with that is Montys size.

    But your Family and health come first, and  if things dont improve. I would tell them where they could stick their job, and open a Pet Shop called "Kezzers". Like the photos of the young girl with the 2 lovely kids,and of course the bike..

    You take Care and be Safe. Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    The one that went away?..........won't waste my breath on him except to say, no loss.

    What a fabulous photo of you and the grandchildren. You're looking good, girl!!

    Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the flattering remarks guys!! especially Sars (young girl, yeah right hun!) Fights don't happen very often and I don't have a problem with getting punched, now and again as long has my guys get punched along side me. Monty wouldn't be any good, he is a laid back python! I am now hoping that my crew with start working as they should, we shall see. I was ok, I have a hard head!!!!!!