kezzerbird's blog

  • Riding High


    I love animals and I love horses, recently I went out to a friends place who owns several horses and we had planned to go riding.Her horse is a Shire called Odin, now normally he enjoys going out but when I got aboard he didn't want to know and my friend found that very strange. Odin nuzzled up to me before hand and was very affectionate but didn't want to take me out...Um what does he know!!!!. I was waiting for my scan…

  • Kezzerbird's crazy son


    Happy Mothers day to all the mums out there in Mac land. I thought I would do a mumsy blog just for the occasion!

    Tonight I am hitting the town with my lovely carzy son Karl (don't know where he gets it from!!!!!! um!) I have three kids, Toni my dippy looney daughter who will be 30 next month, Lee who I don't have anything to do with (he is into drugs and won't work 28 and Karl who is 25 and completely mad. Anyway, where…

  • Well at least I am not paranoid!!!!!


    Hello all my lovelies out there in Mac land......Well I am pleased to say that The Kezzerbird is NOT paranoid, there is something going on in side of me, there are some changes in some noduals ( proberly spelt wrong, but who cares!) What noduals! so I am no wiser yet, my onc is on holiday and back next week but one of my surgeons, who I spoke to said they will be looking over my case then and will decide what to do then…

  • Paranoid.....I hope


    Hello all my incredible mates.....Scan day today and unlike my normal positive crazy self, I feel quite negative, blimey, first time in two years! If this turns out to be a good result, I expect you lot to get on a coach, come to Cornwall and slap me!! It is not the cancer coming back, because it will, not a problem, the 50% chance of it coming back as gone out of the window, I can deal with that and the thought of dying…

  • The bouncing Kezzerbird! one


    Hi my lovelies...............Just to let you all know that since the head doorman resigned and I have taken his place, work as improved no end and my door crew are working with me at last. WOW what a difference it as made for me. I have had to see my consultant 2 months earlier than expected, I haven't been feeling too great, hopefully my cancer hasn't returned, I know it will at some point, so am waiting on a scan. Showed…