Kezzerbird....not my normal self at the mo

1 minute read time.

I don't often moan or winge on here but at the moment I am worried and I just need to put it down, I don't want to say anything to my family just yet. I have a lump which I found last night near to where my right ovary used to be. When I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March of 2008, the cancer and massed on the muscle wall close to the ovary and after many cock ups by the hospital, with 3 months the cancer had filled my womb, bowel, stomach and ormentum, so I had 5 cancer to fight off, which I did, much to the amazement of my medical team who expected me to die. After a wonderful year in remission the cancer returned in my stomach, it was expected and I knew that, I know what my out come will be and have accepted that. Once again cock ups are happening, my treatment has gone to pot, it should have been over and done with many weeks ago and I should have also had my scan and the results back but on Friday I am geeting chemo 4 out of the six. Now this lump has appeared and I am thinking that do I have to pay the price again as before because things weren't done as they should have. It was my instinct that told me my cancer was back and I was right other wise I would never have known what was going on. I now have to demand a CT scan to see if my cancer has spread yet again and if it has S**T will hit the fan, my cancer was very aggressive last time and they knew that, I can fight the cancer but I shouldn't have to fight my medical team too, I have given this bloody desease a run for its money and will continue to do so and I know it will get me in the end but all I am trying to do is survive that bit longer, I have only just started to live my life, so it can sod off. I just needed to get this out guys, will see my Onc tomorrow and will have to take it from there. ...Love and hugs to those that want them as always....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Carol I hope everything gets sorted, this is added stress you could do without. When you see your doctor tomorrow, tell him exactly as you've told us here, how you feel about your treatment and your concerns. I only wish that we (your Mac friends) could all be there with you and give the bl**dy oncologist 'what for'!

    Good luck my friend

    Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hello carol, hoping you've has a successful meeting with your oncol team. Love and prayers. linda p.s. hear hear angela

  • FormerMember

    kezzerbird, plz dont give up ,kick ass girl ,, lots of love and hugs ,, and from me a massive kiss too xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Kezzerbird,keep on keeping on!! we all have down times and i hope writing it down made you feel a bit better,always worked for me! chin up doll!!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Hon.  Haven't been on the site for a while - so sorry to hear the news, you go kick their buts - you should have to but do it anyway.  Your a fighter girl, but as Debs says that bloomin exhausting and not what you need.  So sending a big HUG and much love.

    Carol xxxx