KarenTx2's blog

  • Pain getting worse after full hyst.?????

    Mum had full hyst several weeks ago ... but keeps getting shooting pain in the side of her abdomen... She had put it down to healing pain but getting worse as time goes by. She has had some glands removed and has the numbness in legs which isnt too too much to worry about .. I am quite worried about these shooting pains as it was these which alerted her to her womb cancer ... Has anyone else had these pains after…
  • Mum is very down !!

    Mum had her appointment after her op .. Good news the cancer hadnt spread to the lymphnodes as suspected . They are confident they have got all the tumour out but she still needs Radio and Chemo therapy.. She is very upset about the possibilty of losing her hair ... She is 55 years and still has long blond hair with sprinkle of grey .. She is worried it will grow back grey. She is single and has always been attractive…
  • Pain in thigh after Hyst. Why??

    My mum had her hyst. two and half weeks ago ..wound healing and swelling gone down .. but she is complaining of pain in her thigh and when she touches it, it feels numb. Rang the helpline and they say might be a trapped nerve ?? She was supposed to have her appointment at the hospital but they canx as some of the results arent back .. Has anyone else had this kind of thing ? is it maybe something to do with the…
  • Mum's op went ok

    Mum had her op today .. been on edge all day. But she is out of theatre , sleeping in off on the ward . Rang all the rellies and let them know so feel lots better ! Cant wait to see her !!
  • Pre Op Tests ARRGHHH

    Today seemed endless ... Left the house at 9 am , met my mum at 9.30, got the bus to the hospital .. arrived and eventually found the ward we needed ... by 11. 42 .. Yay three minutes early LOL!! Took her blood pressure , and swabs for MRSA ( weird !!) , asked her everything like what she had for tea a week last thursday .. well it seemed that way ....!! Poor mums' veins are really thin so had to go to a special department…