just so gutted !!!!

  • Stem cell transplant - results


    Nige went for results yesterday for stem cell transplant he had over the summer !  To say we were a tad  nervous was an understatement. Appointment wasn't until 3:50 so went and did some Christmas shopping first. Arrived at hospital and waiting was nearly empty which is a first , got into appointment more or less on time and the verdict is ............  'IN REMISSION NO TRACES OF CANCER AT ALL'  Wooo Hooo bring…

  • post stem cell


    Nige been out 3 weeks now !!!  He doing really well white cell count normal platletts over a hundred !!!   :) x  Line was removed on Wednsday he said it hurt more coming out than going in but is all ok !!! 

    just waiting for the 3 month scan to see if stem cell has worked already over a month post stem cell so not much longer to wait now  :) x

    love to all

    Maxine xxxxx

  • Stem Cell transplant


    Well Nige has had his transplant and so far so good !!!!!!!!!  I was absoulutely dreading it 4-6 weeks in Jimmys all the travelling back and forth every day and the fact that Nige would be so ill !!!!!!!!  Nige coped really well indeed only had three really bad days which he slept through most of it , he did have the runs for a week but thats normal just the chemo doing its job !!!!!  and low and behold  20 days later they…

  • weekend


    Just come back from an amazing weekend in Scarborough before Nige goes in for his transplant !!!!    No Cancer, no Hospitals  Just Max and Nige a little bit of   'normality'  woo hoo   :) xxxxxx


  • stem cell harvest


    Went to Leeds on Wednesday for Nige to have his stem cell harvest !!!   Both extremely nervous of the unknown !!

    We had no need to be his nurse was absolutely fantastic and made us both feel at ease and explained  everthing step by step .

    She took bloods and said we needed a count of at least 10 to do it so we waited an hour for the results to come back .........   216 woo hoo bring it on .

    She explained that consultant…