Stem cell transplant - results

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Nige went for results yesterday for stem cell transplant he had over the summer !  To say we were a tad  nervous was an understatement. Appointment wasn't until 3:50 so went and did some Christmas shopping first. Arrived at hospital and waiting was nearly empty which is a first , got into appointment more or less on time and the verdict is ............  'IN REMISSION NO TRACES OF CANCER AT ALL'  Wooo Hooo bring it on we are totally buzzing at the moment and looking forward to the future  :)  


Sending lots of love and hugs 

Maxine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic news for you both best two words in the world ' in remission ' long may it continue


    all the best Diane x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    good news, enjoy ...xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maxine,

    Thers nothing better than to hear great news before the weekend. Congratulations to you both long may it last.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maxine, 

    My husband is 35 days post transplant and feels exhausted still and sleeps a lot.  You said your husband had his in the summer so that would be about 6 months ago?  Can you tell me when he began to feel normal?  My husband struggles to make one trip up the stairs and now six months down the line yours can go Christmas Shopping.  Wonderful, I long for that day!!!!  Absolutely fantastic news that he is cancer free now!!!

    Julia x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julia 

    Nige went into hospital on the 28th July had his week of chemo stem cells were put back on the 4th August . He was quite ill for a week or so but staff said he was doing really well... then low and behold 12 days post stem cell they said he could come home he came home the day after ( 17th August ) we were so excited!!  He came home and did sleep all the time also the skin on his face went extremely dry and flakey . As for feeling normal he does still get extremely tired but alot of that is down to him doing too much when he feels well, ( he just wont be told )  I will say that probably by mid september to late september he was starting to feel half normal we even had a day at the seaside on the 1st of october  he was totally shattered when we got home but very happy.

    We do take each day as it comes and tend not to plan things too far ahead as we just don't know how he will feel !!! 

    Hope your husband starts to feel better soon and you can enjoy your christmas 

    Love Maxine x