stem cell harvest

1 minute read time.

Went to Leeds on Wednesday for Nige to have his stem cell harvest !!!   Both extremely nervous of the unknown !!

We had no need to be his nurse was absolutely fantastic and made us both feel at ease and explained  everthing step by step .

She took bloods and said we needed a count of at least 10 to do it so we waited an hour for the results to come back .........   216 woo hoo bring it on .

She explained that consultant had ask for a harvest of 3 which she said was a normal amount to request .

Poor Nige had to sit there for over 3 hours not moving his arms but we managed to amuse our self mainly at my expense hahah  :) Finished about 3:30 after being there since 7:30 was told they would ring us at home to let us know if they had collected enough and if they had we wouldn't need to go back the day after. The call came about 5;45 ..............  14.2  can't belive they got so much

So thats one more thing over and done with and no more appointments untill the 10th may so a couple of weeks of normality     :)   x
