
  • Cancer Smells


    My husband last April of 2022 had a smell when I gave him a kiss a couple weeks prior to being diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer. It smelled like he smoked 3 or 4 cigars. I asked him as he doesn't smoke. He said he didn't so we cleaned up his diet to raw green juice and veggies. The smell went away but a couple weeks later he got diagnosed but the biopsy came back negative so he did not have the whipple…

  • my life in turmoil


    Well my life seems to have been thrown into turmoil in the last 3 months, Mum was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in March, she had chemo, 4 doses, lost ALL her hair, and with it  ALL her confidence.

    Her chemo has now finished, unfortunately the prognosis is the same .....approx 6-8 weeks !!! how do I cope with that? My daughter (51/2 months pregnant) is in bits at the thought that her beautiful grandmother may…

  • Is there a 'smell' to cancer?


    Hi, a strange question I know. A couple of months ago, as I kissed my mum goodbye,(before diagnosis), I noticed a strange 'smell', not unpleasant but indescribable, I commented to my husband that I'd never smellt it before, still cant describe it,  Mum has recently been diagnosed with sclc stage 4,

    Today, I noticed the same 'smell' from my father, has any one heard of  this before? Dad has been quite…

  • small cell lung cancer, chemo or not?


    Hi my mum is 70 years old and 2 weeks ago today was diagnosed with SCLC.

    Mum is due to start chemo on Monday, but has today decided NOT to go ahead with the treatment, preferring instead to enjoy the little time (3 months) she has left as fit and healthily as possible, rather than the way she could feel WITH chemo.  She is terrified at the prospect of losing her hair (guaranteed), and feeling sick and unwell due to the…