my life in turmoil

1 minute read time.

Well my life seems to have been thrown into turmoil in the last 3 months, Mum was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in March, she had chemo, 4 doses, lost ALL her hair, and with it  ALL her confidence.

Her chemo has now finished, unfortunately the prognosis is the same .....approx 6-8 weeks !!! how do I cope with that? My daughter (51/2 months pregnant) is in bits at the thought that her beautiful grandmother may never get to see her great granddaughter.

On top of all this, I went to the gp due to feeling poorly, tired, bloated, and with lots of abdo / pelvic pain, I thought the stress had probably caused IBS or something similar, the doc ordered abdo scan and blood tests.

Blood test result revealed raised CA125, whilst the scan revealed a mass of 8cm x 6cm on my right ovary and free fluid surrounding the ovary!!!!

The GP sat me down and said 'you may have ovarian cancer, we need to do some further tests'... Talk about shock, it never ever crossed my mind that I may have this, I thought at the very worst IBS!

Any way more blood tests today and another scan on 15th July!!! is it normal to have to wait 6 weeks between scans? My periods too are all over the place and seem to have changed in the last few months, some heavier than ever some lighter some but a lot more often up to three a month !  is this usual with OC?

Sorry to ramble but just so stressed and no real answers right now, Also very worried about my daughter and how she's going to cope with everything.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules

    So much for you to think about and it's easy to say try not to worry but maybe it's best to concentrate on your mum right now.

    If your scan is scheduled so far ahead, maybe that's a good sign, but I'm no expert.  Try to stay calm and take some time for yourself because you are a very important person.

    My thoughts are with you and I'm sending lots of *hugs* your way for both you and your mum and daughter.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your scan results.

    Lots of love, Madge x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Aw Jules

    I am sorry to read all of your sad news, life is so cruel sometimes and indeed we are thrown into complete turmoil.  Nothing i say here to you will ease of your burdens or pain or how you go on to deal with any of this.  But i know one thing the fog will begin to clear and you will have to muster up all the strength you have from the bottom of your boots upwards in order to face what is before you. It will be far from easy. Try to focus on the positives, i know you probably think at the moment that there arent any!  You have found out now about your health issues and can get the treatment you need, your grandchild is on the way and what joy he/she will bring you.

    You have a long road ahead hun but whtever you do dont give up you simply have to fight with all your strength to get through the other side. I would make the time you spend with Mum as lovely as you can they are precious and memories will always remain.

    I wish i could do something practical for you and if i had a magic wand believe me Jules i would wave it for you and everyone else here on this site.  Unfortunatley i dont and so i can only offer you support in the form of some words of comfort and much encouragement.

    I am sending you a massive dose of strength and positivity to get you through.

    Take care and remember we are all here to support one another on Mac, it is my saviour.

    Hugs, thoughts & Love

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    A word of advice from the old owl, never speculate that you have Cancer until you have all the scans and tests done

    and the results back then and only then will you know for sure wether you have Cancer or not. Until then I know that waiting is the worst part of the prognosis. Try and think a

    bit more positive.  I wish you all the luck with your scan

    and tests and hope it all turns out for the best.

    Until then you look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou all so very much for your kind words and thoughts, I certainly do intend to fight with every ounce of my being, and the rest of mums life will be as special and as precious as I can possibly make it. Onwards and upwards !! xx