Sad Day

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Im having a sad day today - I feel incredibly guilty about this as Im only the carer, it is my husband that is dealing with cancer not me!  I could barely get around the supermarket praying that no one spoke to me in case i burst into tears.  I then rushed to my car and then sat and sobbed all the way home. I just dont know whats wrong with me. Sorry folks, I just had to get that out there. 

  • FormerMember

    hi hun aw bless it must be awful for you i can understand but maybe you needed to get it all out sometimes we bottle things up because we dont want to let the people around see just how upset and emotional we can be its ok being strong but we cant be strong all the time im a cancer patient and believe me i  also have days when my wall crumbles down i try to be strong positive and not let the people i love see im down its not easy i have my wonderful safe place as i call it my little downstairs toilet my kids im sure think ive got a weak bladder cos when i feel the tears coming i rush in there and let them out !!! silly things set me off just a kind word a song  or just to watch the kids arguing or being best friends anything we are all human girl so dry those tears and please dont feel guilty you are a wonderful person do what you do best and be the strong person you know you are but we arent super human we all have to cry sometimes take care love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules I know exactly how you are feeling! I have been on both sides of cancer, first as the carer 6 years ago then myself 2 years ago.

    Believe me when I say that being the carer was far worse than my own cancer!

    I used to cry whilst in my car. I could never let my husband know how sad I was feeling.

    It is just as hard for you,  your whole future has been threatened, you feel so helpless as to how to help your husband.

    You just want to make things better!

    Stay strong Jules you are doing great!

    You are entitled to let your feelings of frustration, helplessness and sadness out.

    Take care of yourself ((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))

    Love Julie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    you don't have anything to feel guilty about! it is often worse for the carer because you can only watch someone you love going through it. Often the suffere has different concerns for the people who are around them and sometimes even feel guilty of what they are putting others through. A good cry is understandable and don't feel guilty about thwt either.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules

    Like you i am the carer, and like many of us on here we are all trying to be brave, but we are all entilted to a good cry our worlds as we new it has been blown to peices on both sides,  hey listerern to me i have developed the strongest stiff upper lip, it shakes like a tamberbene when im on my own, so i wander off having a good cry.

    And like everyrbody else has said dont feel guilty this is no ones fault,

    Take care of each other.

    Louise xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    It is often a lot harder for the carer,who has to watch the one they love slowly detioriate before their very eyes knowing that theres nothing they can do but to make their partner as comfortable as they can. The pain and the suffering are the same, even

    sometimes worse. Thats why you care so much.

    You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx