Less than one minute read time.

Well 2010 ended with my partners brother getting a diagnosis of prostate cancer, caught early so the prognosis is a good one. Never the less a very scary word cancer to anyone who is told they have it.

My partner understands how things can work out having been beside me in my journey with this dreaded disease.

2010 also ended for me on a good note as I have finally got my date for my stoma reversal it is the 28th January so my journey will finally come to an end.

I would like to wish all my friends on mac both old and  new A Very Happy and Healthy New Year.

I hope that we can all see an end to this disease. I will continue to pop in and out of mac to give my support to my old friends and news ones that  sadly I have yet to meet.

Take care one and all.

Lots of Love Julie xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear Cancer has reared its ugly head again in your family. Fantastic to read your fab news of stoma reversal.You have had a long fight in your journey Julie but you have got to journeys end on a positive note, so happy for you. Have a wonderful life now and for many many years to come

    With Hugs Lucylee. xxxxx

  • Take care Julie. I wish you well for your op on the 28th.

    Happy and Healthy New Year to you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie,

    Iam so sorry to hear about your Partners brother having Prostate Cancer,its good news if they caught it early.

    As for you young Lady after your Stoma reversal

    its time to start Living a long and a Happy Life. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie. Great news that you have a date for your operation at last.I am sorry to hear about your partners brother. It seems that cancer touches so many families, but it is good that the prognosis is so positive. All the very best for 2011

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Sorry about your partners brother, but good news on your stoma, here's to a happy healthy new year for you Julie

    LIZ xxxxx