
  • friends???


    when i was diagnosed with cancer in oct 2010 like everyone else i was just going to work leading a normal life and seeing my friends every so often  and then the devastation set in!!!!

     the disbelieving and the feeling of total despair and why me syndrome then i shook myself off and thought oh no bloody way is this bloody thing getting to me so overnight i changed from being a snivelling mess who couldnt look at my kids…

  • 2nd baby steps continued!!!


    well i went away for the weekend to bournemouth....... first time i have been out and about without my hair since i shaved it off say i was apprehensive was an understatement so i packed my wig and my hats and scarves didnt leave much room for anything much else but had to get my priorities right lol!!!

    spent nearly two hours on saturday morning trying to get my make up just right remembering the tips from the…

  • cant believe ive done it !!!!


    hi everyone!!!

     just had to write and tell everyone that i have actually plucked up the courage and shaved off all my hair !!!!.........yes i do look like an egg with legs and still cant bear to look in the mirror but the alternative was sitting painfully having it falling out all over the place and feeling so helpless about it happening !!!

     yes our hair is one of our most beautiful features and yes im terrified to face…

  • is this a wee moan!!!


    hi everyone

    think im about to have a moan because i have been wakened since haf 5 and its sunday morning this no sleeping is doing me in got 6 hours for the first time since wednesday

     bloody chemo is turning me into a zombie red eyes .....look like a lobster... hair falling out and i darent look in the mirror for fear it will crack into a million pieces ....on the up side if i can say there is one im eating for everyone…

  • oh good god!!!!


    well here i am 2nd chemo looming in next wednesday havent been as bad as i thought bit spaced out and bloody sick but eating like a little bull terrier so i now look like a fat egg with legs its the tablets the carbucipine thats doing it so im so not happy bout that dr slater will be told!!! woman what are you doing to my once ok figure to be faced with 2 chins and a michelin tyre oh no no no !!!!

    the fact that i couldnt…