no explanation !!!

1 minute read time.

today i should be happy its Mothers Day i got the loveliest presents from my kids lovely card flowers chocs and a beautiful laser light and all ive done since i got up is cry at every turn how can i be so sad when ive got the best kids in the world and all i can think about is not being here for them its not like me at all im usually so determined strong and a fighter maybe its the chemo getting me down have been so sick with it today but i dont want to be sick today i want to be well and not ill all the time i want to be able to go back to being normal me with no bloody thoughts of chemo and illness amd looking at my reflection in the mirror and not recognising the person looking back that isnt me at all !!!

i know i need a good kick up the backside but just had to get this horrid self pitying feeling out of me because im so fed up of it im crying again and even my eyes hurt sorry everyone il be back to normal tomorrow hopefully life sure sucks sometimes !!!!!

love to everyone sorry im such a miserable sod today of all days

love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen and Tiggymutty..

    Just wanted to send hugs and say good luck both of you...go and kick a***..

    You are both amazing and doing so what if you are having an off can!!!


    Kim xx

  • FormerMember

    Jen you have been so strong you cant always be strong it's time for a good old cry. I have had a good old cry today too wondering if my mum will be here next year but we cannot think like that so a big kick up the bum to both of us and lots of hugs and cuddles as your kids have spoilt you and my kids have spoilt me xxxxx here's to a better evening sorry to hear your feeling so sick xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks so much everyone feel better already just reading your support its just the day i think and this bloody chemo im so fed up with it to be honest and yes i will be kicking ass the sickness gets you so down and cant even have a cold drink which i am so missing my feet andhands are numb and although im hungry when i go to eat its just impossible so stuff bloody chemo right now know i need it but its doing my head in lol!!!! love ya all hope you all feel better as well tomorrow is another day xxxxxxjen xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    morning Jen,  hope you feel little better today.  Stop trying to be superwoman - you already are and its so normal to cry and feel so helpless love.  Let ALL your emotions out.  You WILL get better, you WILL look back on this soon and be grateful for r being in a better place.  Your children love you so much and I bet they feel good to be able to nurture you for a change.  Kids are so strong in the face of adversity so let them lift you.  Unfortunately, I can't make you feel better, but I do feel for you.  Cancer really is the pits.  Remember girl, you've started to get better by taking the chemo and you are on a rocky  road to getting well again - you won't be the same person at the end as cancer does change our inner being - you will still be you though, with a few scars to boot.  Anyway, the sun is shining today girl and I am thinking of you, sending  you strength and love.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    I hope you feel a bit better today.  Thinking of you

    All the very best