no explanation !!!

1 minute read time.

today i should be happy its Mothers Day i got the loveliest presents from my kids lovely card flowers chocs and a beautiful laser light and all ive done since i got up is cry at every turn how can i be so sad when ive got the best kids in the world and all i can think about is not being here for them its not like me at all im usually so determined strong and a fighter maybe its the chemo getting me down have been so sick with it today but i dont want to be sick today i want to be well and not ill all the time i want to be able to go back to being normal me with no bloody thoughts of chemo and illness amd looking at my reflection in the mirror and not recognising the person looking back that isnt me at all !!!

i know i need a good kick up the backside but just had to get this horrid self pitying feeling out of me because im so fed up of it im crying again and even my eyes hurt sorry everyone il be back to normal tomorrow hopefully life sure sucks sometimes !!!!!

love to everyone sorry im such a miserable sod today of all days

love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    It is because it is today that you are feeling so sensitive. This awful illness makes us feel vulnerable and every special day is hard to enjoy!

    Jen you are doing well and you are entitled to off days.

    Stay as strong as you have been tomorrow is another day.

    (((((((BIG HUGS)))))) xxxx

  • FormerMember

    thanks hun so much...... hopefully will be better tomorrow sure i will be so not like me at all xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    just sending hugs x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    Its just one of those days. The minute I woke up

    this morning, the tears started to flow, because its Mothers Day my Mum died 30 yrs ago,and every year its the same. She had 13 Kids and 3 nervous

    breakdowns. Yet she still managed to bring us all up

    to respect our elders and friends. Yes she was a very special lady. Just like your kids think you are.

    Look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Jen i had a day like that yesterday,like you i am on chemo no 4, i dont sleep well, the painful fingers and toes get me down and to top it all i have picked up a bug which i have had for 3or 4 weeks coughing and spluttering continuously and ofcourse i am knackered and fed up with feeling ill all the time, so sod it and boll**** serious poor me syndrome however my lovely girl we have only 2 more to go yours must be imminent, then you have just one more to go, keep your chin up, we must feel better once we have got the chemo drugs out of our system after all they are poisons so just being free of that has got to feel good , you have done so well summers coming loads to look forward to lol Lyn