Port a cath questions

1 minute read time.

Hi Everybody,

I have (had) bowel cancer with liver and lung mets. I had a combined liver and bowel op last year. now I am trying to deal with the lung mets which didn't go with the chemo. I'm having a different chemo and the onc suggested a port a cath as my veins never were good and are quite bad now.

I hate hospitals so much that they have to be warned that I am coming and shut all the doors and get things ready so I don't see any unecessary "hospital things" and I don't have to wait.

I have been told the port will be easier for me but I just can't get my head around having a plastic tube in my chest. It makes me feel angry, almost violated and physically sick. That's all part of my phobia but it is real to me.

They do have to put a needle into your skin anyway don't they? Before I had mostly oral chemo and only 4 infusions but thay took their toll on me, much more than the drugs did.

i will try to ask the onco on Monday about alternatives but he is not easy to catch! I've been up nearly all night ,just so worried about this.

Any experiences will be welcomed.Thanks


  • FormerMember

    Hi welcome to this site. I have had a Hickman line in my chest for 6 months now. They put it in in theatre under a local anaesthetic " Dont think I spelt that right" you can have a general one if you ask. Mine will be coming out soon, again it will be done in theatre. Mine has served me well, I have had no trouble with it at all. I am glad I had one put in as I had to have 12 lots of chemo. I also had bowel cancer. I hope all goe's well for you. Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    hello, i have a hickman line, i have hodgkins lymphoma, ive had mine in since october.. i had to have a new on this week though because the old one wouldnt draw back blood, and wasnt in the right position. i had mine done under general anesthetic. both of them... i think its so i wont be grossed out... i dont mind having the hickman line... its part of me, and i think when chemo is over, i will miss it... in a strange way x.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jujuc53 and emzie but I thinkl hickmans are different from ports. Am I right in thinking that hickmans have tubes hanging outside the body? Ports don't so the skin would have to be punctured -horrible. I would like to hear from a person with a port

    Jen X.

  • FormerMember

    My wife has a port (her second one, actually).

    You're right that they need to use a needle each time, as the port sits under the skin. However, this means that they don't have to cannulate each time. Her treatment involved having an infusor attached for 46 hours - without the port she would have to stay in hospital each time.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    I have to have one too and i feel the same as you, really scared! I spoke to the nurse who assists the doc I asked her if it was painful, she told me not at all, a lady last wk had been told horror stories and when it was finished she said 'is that it?'  She explained that you cannot feel it going up and around and the local will take care of the incision in the arm. Still don't want it done though, but i know i must,

    Good luck with yours,

    Jenny x