Fed up about chemo failure

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Hi everybody,

My 2nd line chemo has failed to work and my lung mets have grown. I feel like I've wasted 3 months on this horrible chemo with a painful port. I also feel I wasted the 3 months before that doing "wait and see". The previous chemo didn't shrink anything either so "wait and see" was to discover if the lung mets really are cancer although I had been told they were. I can go on to a new chemo,  probably Folfox. but I'm beginning to wonder if any chemo is going to work for me. My liver and bowel surgery has been very sucessful, but I need some encouragement to carry on right now.

Love and strength to all aho are fighting this disguting disease.

Jen XX


  • FormerMember

    Oh Jen please don't give up. Where there's hope there's life.

    We are all rooting for you. I am sorry you are feeling so down I think I would be too in your position but I wouldn't give up the fight no way.

    Sending you all my love and lots of encouragement Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    Enough of this I cant go on of course you can and will because you want to be able to say I didnt give up. All you need to do is have confidence in your own ability to beat this Cancer thingy. we all on this site are going through the exact samething. So no more of this deafeatist attitude. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen...I am waiting to find out if my last chemos have done anything or not, it isn't looking good and I had 4 months of treatment in 2008 that didn't work BUT the next treatment did work back then and for now if I find this one hasn't worked, I shall try another and if that doesn't work I will try another. I don't like the idea of not being around and I won't give up yet. I know how you are feeling love, it isn't easy but don't you go giving up yet girlie, oh no. I am in the same boat as you so you are not alone, lets do this together Jen, me and you. How about it?.....love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all,

    I know what you mean and i would say the same to any of you but I also have this horrible phobia about anything to do with treatment, docs, nurses etc, etc. I am actually more frightened of the hospital than the cancer. It has been so difficult getting this treatment, the port is painful and it didn't work. I spend all of my time being petrified. But giving up doesn't really appeal I must say, if I did I would let you all down so I will try again.

    Lots of love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    We can do this Jen, I hate hospitals and every thing to do with them also. It isn't about letting us down, it's about giving the cancer what for. I'm with you girl all the way....love Carol x