Fed up about chemo failure

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Hi everybody,

My 2nd line chemo has failed to work and my lung mets have grown. I feel like I've wasted 3 months on this horrible chemo with a painful port. I also feel I wasted the 3 months before that doing "wait and see". The previous chemo didn't shrink anything either so "wait and see" was to discover if the lung mets really are cancer although I had been told they were. I can go on to a new chemo,  probably Folfox. but I'm beginning to wonder if any chemo is going to work for me. My liver and bowel surgery has been very sucessful, but I need some encouragement to carry on right now.

Love and strength to all aho are fighting this disguting disease.

Jen XX


  • FormerMember

    I know you have such a fear of hospitals and it must make things extra difficult for you.  Just think how far you have come and the fact you have been in and had all these procedures and horrible treatments done despite being terrified.  That to me is a strong indication of your strength and spirit...so things havent gone to plan lately but there is a next step, new things to try and I know you can do it.

    Love Chrissi xx

  • FormerMember

    I too have had three chemo's and am just starting on my fourth, the tumours shrank, then grew, then stabilised, then grew again, but I'll never give up despite my horror of hospitals and nor should you. They say that half the battle against cancer is in the mind - positive thinking, we can beat this!