The FA Cup is easy

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This will be m shortest blog ever as I have to dash off to another football match.

Just to confirm in writing that my lads played brilliantly on Saturday to win our first ever FA Cup match by the odd goal in.......well one!!

Next round is a week this Saturday against the might of Hungerford who are top of their league, which is a couple of levels above us, so we will need lots of positive energy putting out there on our behalf.

However in between now and then I have the little matter of a neck dissection to go through.  Still it gives me a target to focus on - I will be fit for the 3rd, end of.

Thanks for all the good wishes and stuff, it obviouly worked a treat.


  • FormerMember

    Fab news!  Good luck with the not so fun stuff - with your positive thinking I'm hoping it will be a dawdle.

    Lots of love & luck

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    And you won even in your sandals! Were the other team blind? one legged? ;o) did you play the cancer card??

    How interested in football am I?  about as much as this full stop. but well done all the same and as its you, Steve, I will send more good wishes for footie but mostly for the neck dissection- watch they don't go all  the way through eh? Travolta and sandals is one thing...., Frankenstein another...

    Little myx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve ,

    All the very best in the next round of the Cup. More important all the best for your neck dissection. Let us know how it goes.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Well done and best of British for the next round of the cup. And of course for the pesky neck op!

    Take care, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for the above.

    I think I've started converting Little My into a football fan....although having to wear sandals and a white suit to games isn't doing my street cred any good.  Anything for the greater good though.