See, I do know best.

3 minute read time.

Before I get going on today I must fill in a bit from yesterday which I left out - it was quite an important bit too but I had so much to say that my fingers were ahead of my brain and I'd pushed the publish button before I knew what was happening.

My very good friend Graham was driving merrily to work when the car towing a trailer two in front of him lost a wheel from said trailer.  Mr Fisher's instincts kicked in and he  took evasive action, thus avoiding the bouncing obstacle but unfortunately the car in front emergency stopped therefore Graham did too - with the aid of the car in front.  Result both cars, in all probability, written off.

But it doesn't end there, oh no.  There's a cracking punchline.

As the occupant of the car in front hurridly exited through the drivers door, Graham realised that it was someone he had worked with 20 years previous.  So my mate, already out of his vehicle, was able to utter the immortal line "Fancy bumping into you after all these years".  Brilliant.  Way to go Gray, how to make friends and influence people!!

So that's yesterday closed off.


Having been bullied into going for a pre-op assessment by scarey phone lady, I duly arrived in good time at the arranged meeting place.

I and the lady behind the big desk exchanged pleasantries and having established who I was, what my phone number is, which local surgery I frequent and who my next of kin is (why oh why do they always ask me these things?), she handed over the big pile of forms I was expecting, accompanied by one of those bookie/argos pens, which to be honest hardly looked man enough for the job at hand but she looked confident in it's abilities so I took it on trust.

As I sat down to do battle with boxes nowhere near big enough to handle the information requested, I had a brainwave - it happens every now and then.  I asked big desk lady if she had my file, which indeed she did.  I asked big desk lady if the last pre-op form I had filled out (or is it in?) was contained in my file, as it would save me some time if I could just copy the info, as nothing had changed in the interim.  Having flicked through reams of paper she triumphantly held the form aloft and then had a light bulb moment of her own.

"If the information hasn't changed it seems pointless filling out a new form"

Blimey, if only I'd thought of that three days ago whilst being bullied by scarey phone lady.

That was it, I was off the hook and bolting towards the door when nice Nurse lady arrives in my life.  Apparently I still had to donate some blood to go with the 53 pints already extracted from me over the past six months.  What could I do, after all she was so nice?  So I sat back and thought of England whilst she stuck a damn needle in me (nicely of course) and allowed my claret to flow forth.

That's me properly prepared for next Friday and was really the end of todays excitement.

So tomorrow approacheth.  The big game and all that, so I'd best get some shut eye to ensure that I'm alert and looking good as I lead my men to glory.  Influences beyond my control, namely Mr Daniels (Jack to his friends) may prevent me from blogging tomorrow, so apologies now if I don't make it.

Whatever the result I'm sure it's going to get messy afterwards and for those of you that know your football, I'm not referring to the Barcelona player!!

Bring it on.

Have a good weekend.

  • FormerMember

    Cracking tale Gromit! Especially liked the 'bumping' line!  Truly inspired.

    Don't be too rough with 'Jack', you know it will end in tears.  Hope the game goes well.

    Ann x