
  • A year and half after sub total gastric surgery


    Dear Jacquiw10 ,

    I read that you've been through a journey which is quite similar as my dad's he'd gastric Cancer in the lower part of stomach the stage was between 1 and 2 the surgery went well and after it he went through radiation and chemo treatment everything was going good but after a year and 3 months he's not feeling well and he'd problems especially when eating we went to the hospital and everything was pretty…

  • Eating after a partial gastrectomy!

    I am now almost four weeks post op and have recovered really well.  I worried about how I would cope with eating and how it would impact on my life! 

    I have found all the advice on this Forum invaluable as sharing tips and experiences has really helped .  So I am writing this blog as it may help others.

    Physically I am still building up my strength and walk everyday.  I can now manage 2 to 3 miles! I am tired at night and…

  • Surgery done!

    Well I am now through the surgery! What a relief the cancer has gone!  Emotionally the lead up to the day was very stressful, I felt so scared but was reassured by the surgeon and the anaesthetist that I would be well looked after.

    I followed the Enhanced Recovery Programme and took the four Carbohydrate drinks on the evening and the final two on the morning at 6 a.m. I went in to hospital early in the morning and the…

  • Preparing for surgery!

    Now that chemo is over I am preparing for a partial gastrectomy on 28 January.  Having had major surgery before I can’t say I am looking forward to it!

    Physically I am feeling better now and trying to walk every day. My Fitbit is very motivating as I can see how far I am walking. I don’t go to the gym, having spent more money on gym memberships than I care to remember!  I now walk 3 to 5 miles a day and build…

  • Last chemo

    After the first cycle which was really tough, the oncologist reduced the dose.  So the second cycle was much easier and although the first week was hard because of the nausea I was able to go out for a walk every day and my energy levels were better.  

    I also knew better what to expect and knew it would pass.

    The hardest part was dealing with the hair loss.  I didn’t lose my hair when I had chemo eleven years ago. …