Surgery done!

2 minute read time.

Well I am now through the surgery! What a relief the cancer has gone!  Emotionally the lead up to the day was very stressful, I felt so scared but was reassured by the surgeon and the anaesthetist that I would be well looked after.

I followed the Enhanced Recovery Programme and took the four Carbohydrate drinks on the evening and the final two on the morning at 6 a.m. I went in to hospital early in the morning and the operation lasted four hours.  It went well and 80% of my stomach was removed. The cancer was early stage from the previous biopsy but a small lump was found that had not been seen on the scope.  This was always the risk as they don’t know until the operation what they will find.  I now wait for the pathology results and whether I need more chemo!

From theatre I went to HDU, where I received really fantastic care. I had no pain due to the morphine during the operation and a wonderful little pump, which pumped local anaesthetic into my abdomen.  I did have a PCA , a button that I could press to give a shot of morphine, I really didn’t need it much.

I am sure it was very scary for my husband seeing me with all the tubes! But I was so sleepy , I felt fine.

The next day, I was up sitting on a chair , a major effort!  I am sure I looked like a real granny asleep in the chair!  I was allowed 30 mls of water every hour and could wet the sponge lolly sticks to keep my mouth moist.

Day 2 saw further progress, I went for a short walk twice and sat in the chair for a short time! And moved up to 60 mls of water and at night a cup of tea!

Day 3 all the tubes came out!  Bliss as the Naso Gastric Tube had become quite uncomfortable! I was then allowed to drink freely and was given a yoghurt.  I ate six teaspoonfuls and it was fine.

I continued to make good progress and moved out of HDU. Eating was about taking tiny amounts very slowly! I had some tomato soup but felt quite uncomfortable after it.  It passed after half an hour but I realised I had to fight the instinct to keep eating.

I got home on day 5 post op, which was very quick but I was lucky there were no complications. Following  the Enhanced Recovery Programme was really good and I went for short walks building it up every day.

Now for the next stage of my recovery!  Getting used to eating with my new baby tummy!

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic for you. I remember a similar feeling of elation post operation...and the same words - 'the cancer has gone'. Unfortunately, i wasn't quite so lucky and got an infection and second operation followed by 10 days in icu. But that is behind me now. Some chemo and scan cares en route, but finally cleared after 11 months. Need to get rid of the stoma (hopefully) and some hernia problem and I should almost be back to normal (apart from rather visual scar)

    Now on holiday with travel insurance from NFOP

    Good luck