Preparing for surgery!

2 minute read time.

Now that chemo is over I am preparing for a partial gastrectomy on 28 January.  Having had major surgery before I can’t say I am looking forward to it!

Physically I am feeling better now and trying to walk every day. My Fitbit is very motivating as I can see how far I am walking. I don’t go to the gym, having spent more money on gym memberships than I care to remember!  I now walk 3 to 5 miles a day and build in some cardio!

I need to try to put on weight for the first time in my life. So eating healthily and enjoying the occasional glass of wine! 

I got through chemo relatively easily though it didn’t feel like that at the time. My hair is very thin but still there, which is great!  I have a bad inflammation in my eye , possibly due to the chemo! So wearing glasses instead of contact lenses and thin hair - not looking great! But the least of my worries!

Emotionally it’s a different story! I have compartmentalised everything - chemo then enjoy Christmas but when everyone went back to work, I felt really down!  What had happened to my life!,

A few things have helped.  Doing things I enjoy- seeing friends, spending time with my family- their support has been invaluable! Walking and listening to music as I walk.  Reading books - love Val McDiarmid books , easy to read and distract me from thinking about cancer.  Watching TV programmes I like.  Puzzles - I like Killer Sudoku and Candy Crush!

I found some things helped me deal with the cancer diagnosis and treatment.  Headspace app has been a life saver. Reading a couple of relevant books - Eating after a Gastrectomy and The Anti Cancer Book. I have used this and the advice on the internet to plan eating after the operation.  I have downloaded recipes, which I think will help.  Time will tell how helpful they are!

This Forum and the lovely people who share their experiences!  This has been invaluable.  I have learned a lot from them and in my view knowledge helps me have some control! Thank you!

Finally the great medical care, I have received.  The surgeon and oncologist have been really good at answering my list of questions!  They are really positive and give me confidence. I am very lucky this cancer was found early.  Having had cancer, eleven years ago, I worry about every ache and pain.  I will never know what caused me to feel sick and lose my appetite in the summer.  The surgeon is clear that it wasn’t the cancer as it is too early stage. But my GP said, sometimes there’s an instinctive reaction when something isn’t right in your body!  But the lesson from this, is don’t ignore it and get it checked!

There’s so much support now from the Maggie’s Centre and MacMillan as well as other charitable groups.  I have gone there a few times when things have overwhelmed me. 

I now feel really positive about the surgery, I see it as the first step to getting my life back! It has taken me a long time to get to this point and I still have bad days when I feel scared and sorry for myself! 
