What is acceptable?

1 minute read time.

Been a while since my last blog.


What do you mean only 2 weeks give or take a few days????


Really? Well I guess when I said what a difference a day makes I wasn't joking, just didn't realise it swung both ways!!!


Well first good news dad had his heart surgery (open heart - defibrilator part 2 1st not enough!!!) and all went well (apparently) so two parents that need alot of care although they don't think so! After all cancer, degenerative heart failure hmmm

So phase 1 of family descending today, great they bring help, phase 2 - a brother bringing a girlfriend who has just had keywhole abdominal surgery!!!! Don't get me wrong but WTF!!!  MRSA swab for her Thursday he assures me all is fine, I may be wrong but can they say definitively in one day she is clear?!?! PLEASE ADVISE. I have to date 2 parents with open access straight to their hearts and 1 shower!!! Also 3 days after keyhole abdominal surgery he is going to bring her here, just call me Florence!!!


Does that make me sound selfish? Actually scratch that question, to be honest don't care I feel so stretched in day to day life what with caring for my parents, looking after my children, work, keeping two houses clean. cooking, washing, ironing etc for two houses forget Florence call me Cinderella!


Forgot to say pinned down the doctor and mum is too weak for chemo, that and now she is willing herself to depart, if you get my drift, fights with district nurses because they don't know what the Drs or hospital has said regarding her mental well being and hospital!  I have never been considered butch but by god I'm wishing my shoulders were alot wider now!!!!


Sorry this is a moan more than a blog but I needed to vent and whoops for those that read this sorry wish I had more positive things to say (I really do) but unfortunately I don't.


So on that note I am going to take my sorry arse to bed and face another day of crap :(



  • FormerMember

    Hi Cinderella... hmmm what can I say... tut tut.. sound familiar? snigger... well, there's you telling me not to overdo it and take it easy and here is you overdoing it and not taking it easy... ha ha.

    So, take your own advice and if they insist on coming, then make sure they help out and do stuff and make sure you are not running around looking after the GF as well as your parents. I wouldn't worry about the infection side, just the having another person to look after and no you are not being selfish at all!

    Good luck and make sure you stop and put your feet up or I will be popping round to give you a reciprocal slap across the legs :o)

    Big hug

    Little My xxxxx

    Phew, you made me tired just reading it! and you know how I push things...

  • FormerMember

    Hi all,

    Yet again a great big hug for the support x

    Ann swab was taken on Thursday so not sure how long it takes for the results, My brother says she was given the all clear the same day so.... that was why I asked the question for how long it takes for results,  

    Ems, leave her alone dor 24/48 hours I'd be a nervous wreck, so I tend to escape weekend evenings for vodka therapy with friends, just a tipple or two need a clear head for the morning after :)

    Sarsfield, batteries are presently on charge, promise.

    Irene found that little My was right only I have a brush up there not a rolo. It makes multitasking soooo much easier, unfortunately though not more comfortable ;) oh and my aunt is going to ring my brother to tell him the doctors are insisting on a certificate stating MRSA is not present so will cause no danger to either parent.

    Little My :P advice is always easier to give than take... as you are well aware, though my reply to Irene does at least show you I do pick up tips from others even if they are somewhat modified to suit ;)

    So batteries charged with a little alcohol and time with friends, sense of humour back to warped and ready to face tomorrow once more.

    Hugs to you all,

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi there, wow your being stretched to the limit, it's not easy caring for one parent let alone both at the same time - a girlfriend too jeezo! My sister was full time carer for our dad and like you she made the most of beer club and nights out/in with friends and not forgetting a good nights sleep. Sounds like your doing a wonderful job. My sister was our dads full time carer and she also did a great job. They lived 3hours away so When we went to visit once a week my sister would go out with friends and come back the next night for dinner- I'm a rubbish cook but ya can't go wrong with pasta ;0)- when dad napped the house would be cleaned and all the washing done etc, it was our way of doing a little & also letting her know we appreciated everything she was doing- so, I hope your brother is doing his bit to help you all? You take care Hugs Kerry x