Life after death

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People keep expecting me to go back to normal. This is never going to happen! The things I've been thru have changed me for good. I will not let myself return to normal because it will make all that I've been thru for nothing.

This is my time to grieve and im sick of listening to people talk about sh*t that really doesnt matter and im fed up with hearing peoples stupid problems that can be solved in an instant! I couldnt make my dad better, I couldnt stop him from hurting, i didnt have that option.

Its distgusting that people just think 'oh its been a couple of weeks she must be ok now'. NO im not ok even if i look ok and even if im smiling and acting ok IM NOT OK! I cant quite believe that its only been 2 weeks and yet im getting e-mails from work. Dont people have any compasion. No sorry for your loss or card or phone call just can you do this or do that.

grrr ok thats better needed to vent and i think my husband is getting fed up with it.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kessie, I hear what you are saying, but, in my own case I don't believe there is an afterlife and even if I did, it wouldn't stop me grieving for what I had lost in this life.

    Your family will grieve when you are gone, much the same as all our families will. We don't want that for them, but it's a fact of life.

    I'm sure my dad wouldn't want me to be so sad about losing him, but that's the way I feel and I will always miss him.

    I'm sorry you are in this postion Kessie, and I hope you are getting loads of support, but please remember there are others out there who have needs and we are all different.

    Wishing you all the very best, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Your situation is a difficult one to handle and other's don't seem to realise this. The troub;e is that until we have experienced it, it is difficult to empathise. Byt the time I was 24 I had lost my grandmother, grandfather and father. I had to, in those days, be back at work the day after the funerals. Since I worked in a bank as a cashier, I had no choice beut to put on a front dealing with the public and with colleagues. The only consolation I can give you is that it does get better over a long time and you never lose the memories but do start to be grateful for what those people gave you.

    Hope you get rhough this and start to get to that stage.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    I would like to add that I absolutely agree with your comments. Grieving is a normal part of the bereavement process and people should be able to discuss their feelings around this.

    I have read your profile and I am sorry that you have also had to endure this illness. I genuinely hope that you are a survivor and your recovery has been as smooth as it possibly can be. I think there is lot of hope out there for cancer suffers and researchers are striving for a cure. Sorry about the loss of  your dad. I have genuine respect for people like you because despite having the experience of cancer you  take time out to offer support to others. This World needs more people like you because I believe if this were the case it would be a better place.

    I am sorry Mike that you faced loss so early. I know how it feels, my aunty died of cancer in her 40's, uncle in his 50's, cousin at 24 and mum in her early 60's. My dad died of motor neurone disease in his 40's. None of these people reached pension age.

    I really feel for people who develop serious life threatening illness at such a young age. I cannot even read the post 's  where mothers write about their children. It is so unfair for a mother-father to loose a child. I cannot compare my experience to theirs, but like individuals who have replied to Pinkie's post, I agree everyone has the right to grieve. People should not add comments about individuals who are experiencing such sadness in their life I think this is very insensitive, especially when you consider the age  of some of the indivduals who have passed.

    We are all going to die that is true but there is something about loosing peolpe before their time is due. Furthermore the circumstances in which some peolpe die can be very traumatic. If these sites help peolpe because they can share their experinces you should go ahead and say what is on your  mind. I assumed this is what the site is for to help each other through the bad times. If i read a post and i can not relate to it i do not offer a reply but i would not tell peolpe they are wrong to feel how they feel.

    take care alll



  • FormerMember

    Christine R readingmy E Mail today it does sound very cold sorry about that didn;t mean it to.Im just trying to say that basicaly life does go on and do enjoy every day you can.I lost a very lovely sister 30 yrs ago and do still think & miss her so  lots of other family as well so Im not a cold hearted person.But do all spend each day living, enjoy it all lifes too short believe me Love to you all sorry if I affended anyone  Kessie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kessie, no need to apologise. We are all entitled to our opinion.  I guess what you meant just came out the wrong way lol.

    You're absolutely right that life is too short. Gosh, I still can't believe that my dad died so quickly after diagnosis (8 weeks). He was the healthiest person I knew. He really looked after himself and then this! I can't help thinking if it can happen to him it can happen to anyone. My outlook on life took on a different perspective when I was diagnosed with cancer, and yet again, a new perspective has emerged since dad passed away.

    I wish everyone suffering this damn disease all the very best.

    Take care, Christine xx