Life after death

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People keep expecting me to go back to normal. This is never going to happen! The things I've been thru have changed me for good. I will not let myself return to normal because it will make all that I've been thru for nothing.

This is my time to grieve and im sick of listening to people talk about sh*t that really doesnt matter and im fed up with hearing peoples stupid problems that can be solved in an instant! I couldnt make my dad better, I couldnt stop him from hurting, i didnt have that option.

Its distgusting that people just think 'oh its been a couple of weeks she must be ok now'. NO im not ok even if i look ok and even if im smiling and acting ok IM NOT OK! I cant quite believe that its only been 2 weeks and yet im getting e-mails from work. Dont people have any compasion. No sorry for your loss or card or phone call just can you do this or do that.

grrr ok thats better needed to vent and i think my husband is getting fed up with it.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pinky, I really feel for you hun. I feel exactly the same and I lost my dad a year ago on the 9th of April. I don't want to move on as I feel that I will be leaving my dad behind and also, my life will never be the same again. How can it be? My best friend in the whole world is no longer here with me.

    It's only 2 weeks since you lost your dad. How sad that no-one seems to be showing any concern. You just take as long as you need to grieve. There is no set time limit on these things. 2 weeks is certainly nowhere near enough time. It must all just be sinking in with you never mind getting over it.

    I'm here if you want to chat and offload any time.

    Thinking about you. Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi,i know how you feel,i lost my dad through cancer just 5 short weeks ago and im still grieving.I may be happy on the outside but inside it hurts so much.Im afraid employers dont have much compassion all they think about is there business we are just a number.Please dont let these people get to you,i know what you have been through,my dad suffered for 6 months and it was so upsetting.

    I wish you all the love in the world and im always here if you wish to chat.Big hugs and kisses

                            John x

  • FormerMember


    I agree with all that you have just said. Two weeks, bloody hell, what do people expect?  The getting back to normal expectation is often  suggested by people who have not experienced loss. How would they know the feelings that you have the emptiness, the sadness, the regrets and that is just half of what you go through. I lost my dad when her was in his 40's then my my mum in her early 60's. Everybody i know has both parents living.

    I so know what you mean about hearing people moan about the most stupid things in life. People sit and  sob because they either can't get what they want or they can't problem solve.. They are pathetic you are correct. They want to sit and see somebody suffer or watch the ones they love die. They would be sitting with the hankies then wouldn't they.

    Sorry that you have not got any support from work that is awful. I was really lucky there, thank god. My problem was neighbours and family that my mum spent her time running around after, no cards, no sorry no attendance at the funeral. When she was ill they did not visit, this is because she could no longer do for them.  I am sorry to sound harsh but I hate them. Sorry again this is my anger coming out. I know how you feel.

    Let us all rant together at least we understand…

    Take care..Tracey  

  • I lost my dad when I was nineteen, and my mum when I was twenty-nine. I am now sixty-three but I still think about them both every day. The pain, at first, is SO raw, and you feel as if someone has reached into your chest and ripped out your heart. I didn't think I would ever heal, but I did and now, I remember my parents with love and affection but my pain has healed. I hope your pain will start to heal soon.


  • FormerMember

    When are you all going to realise we are all going to die. Im dying and would hate it if my family spent the rest of their lives thinking of me in a sad way.And im sure your late family would feel the same.Of course its sad but  please dont spend time trying to alter something you cant.Dont think Im uncaring, but I belong to the other side.Im hoping Its good over there.See you all over there sometime in the future.xxxx