Any hugs gratefully recieved thanks x

2 minute read time.

I'm pretty much in a good place in my head regarding my cancer and where I am up to on that so called journey. Then my Onc. appointment appears on the calendar for February and the little doubts and niggles start in my head grrrrrr.

When I was diagnosed I asked straight for a statistic for survival, 60%. I'd rather it been a bit more but at least it was the upper side of 50 eh, so not complaining.

Mr tumour was a T3N2M0 and again i'd rather it been below the 3 and not too happy with the node involvement, but not compaining it could have been worse eh.

Ended up with a permanent stoma which wasn't easy to come to terms with at first but wasn't too much of an issue, 'cos I saw it as my life saver so I must respect and look after it well.

Pity that my radiotherapy zapped my small bowel, so I have permanent diarrehea with the need for loperamide daily. But again that same radiotherapy zapped 'shitface' to a crisp and good riddance for good (i hope).

I'm now two years on and getting on with enjoying life and to be honest the dark places in my head are buried. Lifes good and I have a wonderful family with exciting things to come. For one my daughter is getting married next year and my will have finished his degree. It's lovely to see them starting out in life as grownups.

So why am I feeling uneasy now i've come home from my appointment. They say I have my last CT scan in November and a further three years of six monthly appointments just to check i'm feelig OK. I expressed that I felt uneasy about not having any more scans 'cos of the fear of cancer returning. She saind the highest risk was in the first two years, so once i'm past November, i am at a lower risk. I'm now feeling like a time bomb that might go off before November but also worried about the following years without scans.

I know some of you out there have already gone past this stage so hope you may share your experiences and thoughts with me.

I must mention my dear Dad now. It's been much harder today coming home and ringing mums. He normally speaks to me after all my appointments and was a real comfort. He said the right things and when I called he gave me lovely dad cuddles. I miss him so much but especially feel it today and have cried buckets whilst hoovering to try and distract my silly thoughts.

If you read this, thanks for putting up with the woffle, i'll be back to normal warpiness shortly,

Take care all



Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Sending you huge massive squidgy hugs Jan.

    Weyhey - warpiness returns with slobbing out in PJs, vino and chips!   Excellent.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    So glad for you Hun. Although not having your dad around to offer thoses kind words ( dads always say the right things, don't they?) when needed is a toughie..take a little comfort from knowing we all care about you and send you lots of hugs. Bread n butter to make a chip bitty please!! Yum my fav. Thanks for your message earlier will get back once I've got myself a drink!! Much love Mandy.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan, sorry I missed this cos I was at school.

    just wanted to send you a huge hug. I am behind you in this process but am sure that I will wobble 2 years down the line (though to be honest I like the idea of being 2 years down the line at the moment :) )

    anyway, I know you are feeling a bit more upbeat now and as the others said, the docs do know what they are doing and they really don't want it to come back either and they have done a pretty good job so far!

    I only look at odds when I like them.

    Lots of love and a big hug to you

    Little My xxx

    ps I have no parents either so understand that one too... I guess it has been so long for me now that I don't miss it anymore, but I used to really miss telling my mum stuff. x

  • FormerMember

    Sorry I arrived so late Jan, I haven't been on Macland today and just checking in now before bed ..

    I am sending the biggest hugs to you - that's the shitty thing about cancer, even when it's been zapped, we can never fully relax.

    And some more hugs for missing your dad ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Jan)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Much Love to you hun, glad your evening ended on a better note :))
