I miss you

  • Ayup Gran, it's me again..


    I took the initial step to find closure today, I visited a Bereavement Counsellor. It kind of feels like with 'closure' that I'm supposed to forget you. Yet, I never will, ever. You played such a huge role in my life. I managed to compose myself and not once cried when I spoke about the lead up to your passing. I wish I could of held your hand, just sat with you. I am almost in tears now, okay, I fib, I am crying.. gently…

  • I miss you


    I could write a million poems, not one would bring you home.

    I cannot deny how much I miss you and how much I feel alone.

    You always show me unconditional love, guided me towards what's right.

    You always stood by me and listened even when I'd try fight.

    I never got to hold your hand and tell you how much you changed me. 

    I never had the strength like you, but now at least you're free.

    You fought Cancer…

  • I just want to tell you everything


    I want to tell you things I never got the chance too. 

    You did so much for me, yet I never showed gratitude. I am deeply sorry. You were and still are everything to me. I will never forget your face, smile, laugh, voice.. everything you've done for me.

    You tried to guide me but I was too weak to follow, I led myself into trouble and in to the wrong paths and you happily stood there and waited for me to carry on guiding…

  • It was 5 months yesterday


    I am still hurting, with you gone.

    I just want to hear your voice, be able to pick up the voice and have you listen and talk to me.

    I miss your voice, the way you'd laugh and say "Ayup". 

    I just keep thinking you're sat at home in your chair watching Jeremy Kyle, cup of tea in hand. But you're not. You're with the Angels now. 

    I just sometimes with you would give me a sign that you're still…