I miss you

  • I still remember..


    19th December.. It was surreal.. I barely slept... To be honest, I was numb. I had a shower, I got dressed to realize I'd left my shoes at home, I had to wear my converse. I wore a shirt and tie.. Inside I could hear you telling me how smart I looked.. and sorting my tie for me. 

    When we got to your house, everyone was there and in good spirits. I was in the dining room with Claudia when I turned, everything was quiet…

  • We'll meet again


    We'll meet again.. don't know where, don't know when.. but I know we'll meet again some sunny day.

  • I am sorry


    I often think of you in the day, I dream of you at night. 

    The fact you're not here, it's really not right.

    I hate myself sometimes for how things could have been. 

    The things we could of done, the places we could of seen, 

    I miss you more, yet seem to cope. 

    Yet still I feel so alone.

  • Are you really gone?


    It's so hard to believe it's 6 months tomorrow since you passed. I mean, are you really gone?

  • It's finally arrived


    For about a week I've been anxiously waiting for the video of you, Gran. Amie finally sent it to me, there are more to come.. but it brought a tear to my eye.. You were so happy. I feel so lost without you.


    Tomorrow is 6 months exact since you left. I miss you so much. Tomorrow will be hard, I cannot believe it's already been 6 months. I miss you so much, so so much. I cannot function properly some days. I just…