I hear the buzzing - but where are the bees?

  • All Quiet on the Westtern Front!


    So, what can I say.  3 days and no buzzing - hooray!  And why is this I hear you ask?  Well. I'll tell you.  Its because I now have an ENT appointment for 7 December 2011. 

    Why does that always happen?  Its like when you've put up with bad hair days for weeks and weeks and then decide to make an appointment at the hairdressers and, hey presto, your hair suddenly does what you want it to! lol

    Since my 6 weeks of stereotactic…

  • More Ear Trouble


    OK, so I don't know whether it was the grey weather, the time of year or just the permanent health problems but I had a really low day today.  Even founds myself having a little sob at work!  Why is it that most days I can just get on with life and not think about the little tumour sat on my brain, and other days my world seems to come crashing down around me?!

    Went shopping with my mum thinking a bit of retail therapy…

  • Silence is Golden


    OK.  The buzzing has been bad today.   With 9 months left to wait to find out if my tumour has even starting shrinking yet, my curiosity gets the better of me some days and I just want to sit quietly and wonder what is actually going on in that head of mine lol

    But not today - oh no!  Buzzing,buzzing and more buzzing.  Sounds almost electrical - I can imagine the electrical impulses racing round my brain trying to reach their…