Silence is Golden

Less than one minute read time.

OK.  The buzzing has been bad today.   With 9 months left to wait to find out if my tumour has even starting shrinking yet, my curiosity gets the better of me some days and I just want to sit quietly and wonder what is actually going on in that head of mine lol

But not today - oh no!  Buzzing,buzzing and more buzzing.  Sounds almost electrical - I can imagine the electrical impulses racing round my brain trying to reach their destinations.

Ah well.  Tomorrow,as they say, is another day and I can hope that I will get my chance to sit quietly and ponder.

  • FormerMember
    Oh Pilly So sorry to hear about the buzzing it mist drive you mad. Hope you have a quiet day tomorrow so you can ponder!! Hugs Dianne xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Pilly,

    I suffer from tinnitus, probably due to my medication, a constant singing in the ear. It's worse some days more than others, but I've got used to it.

    Surprisingly it doesn't interfere with my love of music.

    Hopefully yours may reduce with time, but if not I hope you learn to ignore it as I do.

    Love and hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin

    Thanks for that - isn't it weird that in a way its always comforting to know you're not the only one with the same problem lol.

    I admire the way that you can ignore your tinnitus - wow I am so impressed!  I've only been sufering for the last 4 months or so, so maybe if it continues I'll be able to block it out too.  Like you say, some days are better than others.  Unfortunately, it looks like today's gonna be another bad one - ah well, it could be worse.  Ever the optimist - that's me :)

    Have a great day.


  • FormerMember

    And thank you so much for your kind wishes Diane.  Much appreciated ! !

  • FormerMember

    Ah Pilly, the dreaded tinnitus!

    I've suffered from it for around 12 years due to damage to my inner ear. Some days louder than others and lots of different tones too. I'm almost totally deaf in that ear now due to an ongoing problem. You do get used to the noise. I'm barely aware of it most days.

    If it doesn't get any better I can assure you that you do learn to live with it.

    Love and best wishes, Zute x