All Quiet on the Westtern Front!

Less than one minute read time.

So, what can I say.  3 days and no buzzing - hooray!  And why is this I hear you ask?  Well. I'll tell you.  Its because I now have an ENT appointment for 7 December 2011. 

Why does that always happen?  Its like when you've put up with bad hair days for weeks and weeks and then decide to make an appointment at the hairdressers and, hey presto, your hair suddenly does what you want it to! lol

Since my 6 weeks of stereotactic radiotherapy in the summer it appears my ear may have been damaged and so I've had to put up with this blasted tinnitus/sensitive hearing.  But as soon as I get an appointment to get it sorted it appears to stop!  Typical!  Oh well, I shouldn't count my chickens.  I could quite easily wake up again tomorrow morning and be cursing the buzzing and humming.

In the meantime I shall enjoy listening to the beautiful birds tweeting, the mad coc kerel crowing at all hoursand the loopy cows mooing in the fields across the valley.


  • FormerMember

    That's great Pilly, and I hope having gone away it doesn't come back.

    Good luck with the appointment on the 7th.

    Birds tweeting, gosh what computer literate birds you have around you, perhaps they could teach the cock to email and that would be quieter. No hope for the cows though I'm afraid.

    Best wishes,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Philly,

    Its amazing how it is we dont miss something until its not there.  So I hope you wake up in the morning birds singing Bees Buzzing and the cows Mooing.  Good Luck with your appointment with ENT, and you can get the problem solved.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx