Will I ever be 'as happy' again...?

1 minute read time.

I was just wondering, when you do leave for the last time Dad will I ever be 'really' happy again - or will my life always have this tinge of sadness which it has now already before you've even gone?  Everything looks different, the whole world around me.....it is always there in the corner of my eye like the splinter of ice in The Snow Queen....the knowledge that some time soon you will be gone.  At the back of every thought I have now is the constant low key sadness and I feel it lying over everything.  I will only have one parent left and we both know that she will be of no support to me - not like you who always put me first and always made sure you were there to support me....however old you were and however old I was.  It hurts so badly to see you lying there fading away slowly but surely - the only man that has truly loved me unconditionally and stayed by my side whatever happens.  I cannot imagine ever feeling anything again without the little voice in the back of my head constantly telling me my Dad is gone.  I love you so very much Daddy and although I know you are tired, have had enough and are ready to go in one way I also know how sad you are to be leaving us.  I have seen you cry more in the last 2 days than I have in my whole 44 years and that scares me more than anything.  I will have to stop now as I am crying too much to type anymore.....I love you my Daddy. 

  • FormerMember
    Know how your feeling, take care
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sparklestars,

    What a moving tribute to one who sounds live a very wise and caring man. Think you are asking a very difficult question but feel the long term answer will be a Yes. Grief, like any other emotion is so strong, but in time we come to terms with it. You Dad will always Be Your Dad no matter what happens or where he is.

    I understand you will feel your world has ended when you finally say goodbye to him and the pain will be hard to deal with, but in time the memories of his final weeks will become less strong, while the happy memories of all the joys you shared for far more years will become stronger and drown out the pain.

    Given a free choice you know he would stay forever for you, but he is tired and maybe hurting, but he will live on in your heart forever, remember he is part of you and it sounds like your genes reflect the love he taught you and the care you are showing, in time you will tell others of the most special man you had in your like, and you will be smiling when you tell them.

    While any terminal illness is hard to share it does give a chance to say all the things that so often are left unsaid by so many until it's too late. Take advantage of the time, spend what time you can with him, hold his hand and chat if he is up to it, main thing tell him what you have told us please.

    I hope his passing is easy and pain free as much as possible. Good Luck to you both and thank you for telling us how special he is and will always be. Remember you never need to be alone, even if you feel you need a break, you are a part of the Mac Family, we do care and understand.

    Hugs xx

    John x

  • FormerMember

    lcb ((hugs)) thank you

    John - thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response.  You are right it does give us 'time' which is a blessing....it would be even more unbearable to have lost him without having the chance to say what we want to say.  I am torn between wondering whether every conversation we have should be so painful and sad as it is now or whether to try and make his remaining time more upbeat and cheerful.  But at least we have that choice I suppose and I will let him lead it.  I have indeed as you say told him all of these things and have been holding his hand, kissing and hugging him more now than ever since I was a small child.  I hope this will be enough to hold me up through the difficult times ahead.  Once again I thank you for the gift of your time and caring.

    Sparkle XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sparklestar

    Glad if it helped in even a small way, hope life is kind to both of you and does sound as though you have already covered the most important points anyway


    John x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sparklestars

    All I can do is send you my love and huge squidgy hugs.  I know what you mean about the shard of ice in the corner of your eye.  My kid brother is terminally ill too and it is forever on my mind no matter what I am doing.

    The road we are travelling is hard, cruel and unsympathetic and all we can do is support each other as best we can and look to the people in our lives who do care about us to see us through.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx