Will I ever be 'as happy' again...?

1 minute read time.

I was just wondering, when you do leave for the last time Dad will I ever be 'really' happy again - or will my life always have this tinge of sadness which it has now already before you've even gone?  Everything looks different, the whole world around me.....it is always there in the corner of my eye like the splinter of ice in The Snow Queen....the knowledge that some time soon you will be gone.  At the back of every thought I have now is the constant low key sadness and I feel it lying over everything.  I will only have one parent left and we both know that she will be of no support to me - not like you who always put me first and always made sure you were there to support me....however old you were and however old I was.  It hurts so badly to see you lying there fading away slowly but surely - the only man that has truly loved me unconditionally and stayed by my side whatever happens.  I cannot imagine ever feeling anything again without the little voice in the back of my head constantly telling me my Dad is gone.  I love you so very much Daddy and although I know you are tired, have had enough and are ready to go in one way I also know how sad you are to be leaving us.  I have seen you cry more in the last 2 days than I have in my whole 44 years and that scares me more than anything.  I will have to stop now as I am crying too much to type anymore.....I love you my Daddy. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sparklestars,

    John has answered your question in a very thorough and beautiful way and it is difficult to add to it.

    You are taking into account what your Dad needs in the way of comforting, and since you know your Dad better than anyone, I am sure you will get it right. As further guidance, some people with a terminal diagnosis say that they would rather things around them to be as normal as possible, so if you laughed and joked with your Dad before, try not to stop now, but of course be guided by him.

    Finally, it is often worse for the carer than the patient, so don't forget your own needs. Look after yourself and don't ignore your need to have some "me time"

    You are a wonderful daughter of a wonderful man,

    Hugs to both of you,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Nin, I have read about your Gordy....it is indeed a long and lonely road we are on and thank goodness for people and places like here.  It's so hard to watch 'normal' life going on around you when your life feels like it's in a vacuum or limbo.

    Hi Paddyman and thank you too - your words were very thoughtful and brought a tear to my eye (though that is no rare occasion these days!).  You are very right about 'me' time - I have taken some today and it has helped a bit.....you are also right that my Dad is "a wonderful man"....I wish I were the wonderful daughter you talk of but I try my best and I suppose what else can we do.  Thank you for your hugs they are very needed at the moment.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nic for your help and support....he is as you say a very loving man.  It's the hardest thing isn't it to see someone you love struggling and not be able to really help them.  But thank you all for being there...it helps to have somewhere to come and just be honest.  XXX

  • FormerMember

    I think it's awesome that you are writing your blogs to your dad! And I feel the very same way.  He was my whole world, no man can ever compare and even though we will both be happy again, will it ever be pure and true happiness without them there to share it... "to enjoy the full value of joy; you must have someone to divide it with" - I sincerely hope you still find yourself able to share the joy and happiness in life.  But I know how impossible it is to imagine it without Him.

    Big Hugs xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • FormerMember

    Vixy thank you for your kind comments - I know you loved your Daddy in the same way I loved mine.  It has been just over 24 hours since my Dad left this earth.....the first whole day in my life without him alive has passed.  In some ways it feels like a year.  One thing I am sure of is that with how much our Daddies adored us for sure they would want us to take the love and gifts they have given us and move on to build happy lives.....but all in good time eh...?  First of all we have to grieve and accept the finality of this loss I suspect - and for me anyway I can't see that happening anytime soon......but one day.....one day.   Hugs to you too XXXXXX