How I feel

Less than one minute read time.

It's very difficult when a loved one has cancer, being a carer, wife, mother,  to express how you are feeling without feeling guilty.  

To watch the one you love struggling, when they are so determined, and not say anything,  all they  are really trying to do is protect others. 

It has taken a long time to start my blog, as i find it really difficult to express how i am feeling, but have decided, now, for self preservation, its time to start.

  • FormerMember

    It's so tough! My husband has been quite ill for a couple of days but wouldn't let me get the doctor because he said he would be better after a couple of days in bed. Last night he became really ill and was rushed into hospital with an infection, his stubborness could have cost him his life but I know he is scared and I think his positive attitude is also slipping away. I find it hard because he accuses me of nagging when I am only trying  to help.

    This cancer journey is difficult for everyone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi to all,


    I think it is a mixture of being scared and trying to protect us. I have never met a more stubborn man than Bob,  he always says i nag, but adds that he knows that its because i care about him.

    How is your husband doing?

    Kate back at school, so peace in the house for a while today.

    Linda x x

  • FormerMember

    I think you are right .I know my husband is scared, terrified even and when he feels so ill we are first in the firing line. He hates the loss of control of his life that this illness forces upon him and finds it very hard to let others take over .

    He has been quite ill today and has found it hard to breathe without oxygen but he is being pumped full of antibiotics so hopefully they will kick in soon.

    He should have started another round of chemo today but that has been cancelled.

    I hate to see him like this but I know that everything possible is being done for him.

    Hope you are feeling a little more positive. There are lots of us going through the same and it's comforting to know that others understand just how hard it is .

    lLok after yourself and your little girl.

    Love Tarnie x

  • FormerMember

    Well more brain tumors have appeared, but the ones treated have responded well so no reason to think the next ones wont respond, to the radiotherapy.

    We are a bit more nervous about what is going on in the rest of the body, but should find out next Friday the results of that.

    Feel a bit lost today, in limbo land until next week.

    Linda x

  • FormerMember

    Starshine,  Though I have been following Bob's Blog, I always think about the "woman behind the man" as you follow the same path but wearing different shoes.  My thoughts are with you every day, wishing you positive energy.  My journey has run for just over a year now, and my husband has been on Sutent for 14 months. If you had to name two things that is your best "coping strategy" what would they be?  What is your best "me time"?