How I feel

  • Carrying on


    How on earth do you carry on without your soul mate, I am finding it really difficult and am really not sure what to do, i know its early days, its four weeks on Wednesday,  but i just can not imagine it will ever feel any better ever again.

  • I need a hug


    I feel so sad today about Bob's continued deterioration. He is my best friend, soul mate and everything to me, and I just don't know how I can be without him. The pain of watching him become more unwell is unbearable, and today I just feel like a good cry and a hug.

  • Distressing symptoms for Bob!


    We went to hospital yesterday and results were that treatment is not working and cancer is on the move, particularly in the lungs!  It also showed that Bob has infection in both lungs which he has started antibiotics for.

    The most distressing thing for him at the moment is the constent episodes of coughing, agrivated by eating, even sometimes speaking.

    Just wondered if anyone has any ideas to help settle these episodes…

  • can't sleep


    I can't sleep!!  Bob has a difficult decision to make in the next few days, that's if they can give him any more radiotherapy, we find out Tuesday.  Does he go ahead and take the risk of the side effects or just stop treatment. Which ever option it's not looking good as cancer spread in his brain has become very aggressive now. It's pants and i want it to go away!!!!!!!!

  • How I feel


    It's very difficult when a loved one has cancer, being a carer, wife, mother,  to express how you are feeling without feeling guilty.  

    To watch the one you love struggling, when they are so determined, and not say anything,  all they  are really trying to do is protect others. 

    It has taken a long time to start my blog, as i find it really difficult to express how i am feeling, but have decided, now, for self preservation…