How did I pass the interview for this job?

  • Dr Who teach me how to "time travel"


    How does he do it? I seem to have lost almost 2 years and can not find the answers anywhere!!

    Since diagnosis to now we have had 1 nightmare after another, hence not realising that the weeks and months have passed us by.

    End of September 2011 was biopsy time, October was Neck disection and tonsil removal.

    Just to run alongside this we were moving our Business to new premises. Not a good idea!

    Anyhow we managed…

  • Passed the selection process


    There are lots of jobs that I imagine myself doing.....with glamourous perks such as travelling the world 1st class, earning obscene amounts of money for doing very little, living a luxurious lifestyle with a housekeeper, someone to do the garden, someone to drive me wherever I want to go, someone to cook for me and so it goes on, but what job did I get without even being interviewed for? CARER to my dear husband, salary…