Passed the selection process

1 minute read time.

There are lots of jobs that I imagine myself doing.....with glamourous perks such as travelling the world 1st class, earning obscene amounts of money for doing very little, living a luxurious lifestyle with a housekeeper, someone to do the garden, someone to drive me wherever I want to go, someone to cook for me and so it goes on, but what job did I get without even being interviewed for? CARER to my dear husband, salary free, extended hours, learn on the job, clearing up puke, dealing with abuse thrown at me for no reason at all, looking after 2 business', and 3 dogs, so beware be careful what you wish for..........

This new job started July 4th 2011, having started a new business 3 years prior we hadn't had a holiday for 4 years and decided to have 10 days away, it was booked the end of June 2011 for travel September 2011.

My dearly beloved called me at work one friday afternoon to say he had a lump in his neck what did I think he should do?

"Call the doctor you dilly"

Now one good thing about having someone work for you who has a daughter working at the surgery is when you are unable to get an appointment for 2 weeks we sneek in under the radar and get seen same day.

Dr is convinced it is swollen gland from a cold dearly beloved has recently had, but go get blood test anyway.

Well the long and short of it was secondary cancer in the neck, not sure about the primary, now my husband is a truly great procrastinator (?spelling), so am I surprised that they were not sure about the primary - no!!

We did manage our holiday in September, dearly beloved getting several dives in knowing that it would probably be the last time that he would be able to dive.

On return there were biopsies, blood tests, MRI scan, PET scan, yet more blood tests and more time off work than he had had in his lifetime put together, or was he just skiving?

Well life continues despite the fact that ours seems to be coming apart at the seems, (too much fine dining on hols!)

Need to get back to work will continue later............
